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Zack pov.

What a long day , this is the happiest I ever felt while returning back home , usually am sad that my shift is over and that I have to go home but today is different, I just really wanted to lay in my bed and rest , get these old gym clothes off of me and relax.

It's been a long day , and a very hard one non The less , a day where I suffered both mentally and physically. Physically being all the training and working out I did and mentally being the talk I had with Axel.

I never had close friends, that's aside from my ex best friend. Well you could say I never had a best friend after him and will never because of him .

We were like brothers , we were super close , we knew every little detail about each other and every little thing , we would go together every where, to the point where people actually believed we were brothers, but when we started growing up we started to grow apart as well , with me becoming more dull and introverted and him becoming more out going, fun and extroverted , the more we grew up we realized we no longer fit , at least that's what I realized later after everything had hit . And then he left me , left me for a group of cool kids , you know, the out going crazy kids that you'd think they live on the streets if you didn't see them get in such expensive schools.

He left me , and ignored me and acted like he didn't know me and as if we never met , we became like strangers.

Worst part is we still had to share one class and I had to see him for 2 whole years every single day before we went to college and I never saw him again .

I never got that close to someone ever like that after , and will never .

Losing people became my biggest fear , losing him became like a trumatizing memory to me .

I hated my self and always blamed my self for him leaving me , saying that he probably left me because I was too ugly , too boring, too introverted, too calm , too quite, I was just too much , a mix of everything bad .

The point is , I never got in fights with a friend, or had problems with anyone or got tangled up in anything with anyone because I just never got too close, or at least close enough to someone, but some how I've already had my first fight with Axel even though we hadn't known each other for long but that's not it , the worst part is that I want to forgive him , yeah , I .........I don't want to lose him , I don't know what's up with me but I think am somehow getting attached to a guy I hadn't known for long , and that scares me .

Beep ..... beep......beep ...... beep ...... beep

I fucking hate that alarm clock, only reason I hadn't smashed it into pieces is because grandpa gifted it to me and because it looks cool, it looks like three dynamite Sticks stacked on top of each other , it looks really cool. Anyway .

" Zack , when are you getting up your freaking alarm had already woken up the whole entire neighborhood and you're still sleeping" Emily shouted from behind the door as she banged hard on it .

" Get lost brat " I shouted back as I closed my alarm clicking on the microscopic button that's on the side .

Am in a good mood today believe it or not .

I got out of my room and into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and was out to see if I could find some cereal and milk to have an at least decent breakfast and since today is a Monday am going to have to go shopping for groceries.

" Hay Em " I shouted for her to come downstairs where I stood in the kitchen a pen and a small notepad Infront of me and a bowl of cereal beside me so I would occasionally take a spoon full and shove it I'm my mouth.

" Yes , what do you want " she replied with her phone in her hand

" Am going grocery shopping, what do you want ? "

" Oh oh great, I actually needed somethings .." Zack interrupted " you have a limit of 50 bucks that must include your feminine products and anything else you might severely need , I don't find my money in the streets, I work for it so stop being a brat " .

" What !! No you can't do that "

" Well surely I can since first of all it's my money and second I have to get food and other necessitys "

" Fine , hmmmmm yeah I got it , Hendrix released a new poster related to his up coming song , it's 45 dollars with the remaining 5 dollars I guess......I do need some soap and toothpaste soooo , yeah ,that "  Emily said

" You're chosing his poster over you necessities? " I said desperately

" Duh , his stuff it's very necessary to me , what do you know " she huffed and folded her arms the proceeded to glare dagges at me  .

Ding Dong......... Ding Dong .

" I'll get it " Emily exclaimed

" No , step back I'll get it , you can go upstairs and obsesse over that guy "

" You don't have to tell me twice" she replied happily then went running upstairs.

I walked over to the door and slowly opened it .

" Hay , missed me ? " Axel said laughing.

" Zack I also want some chocolate, can you get ...........oh my god " Emily was in the middle of asking for more things but started screaming when she saw who was at the door and quickly pulled out her phone to record and take pictures.

" Emily fucking give me your phone now " I shouted.

" And why would I do that "

" Well come and say hi to Axel first" I said

She quickly and without hesitation ran over to Axel , before she could devour the man I snatched her phone away .

" It's, 1 disrespectful to take pictures of someone without permission and 2 what do you want your followers to do when they see this , come and break into our house or something to see your little super star" I mockingly said

" The little star is still here " Axel said proving his existence

" Shut up am dealing with you after I tame this cow " I barked.

" Oh come on , he has no problem with it , right babe , I mean Axel ".

" I....uh ...I well "

" Of course he has , would you like it if someone came and took pictures of you without permission "  

"Of course not , that Would be weird and scary "

" Exactly now go to your room , he is leaving now "

" Ohh well goodbye babe , oh but first, can I have your number " Emily innocently asked

" Am sorry but I don't give my number away " Axel apologized

" But.....but am not anyone, am your biggest fan and your biggest supporter, I promise not to post it online " Emily begged.

" Am sorry but I can't, it's..... it's company policy, yeah company policy ".

" Well okay then , bye Axey " she said sending him a floating kiss

" Bye " Axel said with a smile

" Let's go " I said dragging him outside.

Wow posting two chapters in one day , oh my god , guys don't go crazy I know am the most amazing person alive 😂 am just kidding I still believe that am shitty as hell and don't deserve the 50 followers I have , but am thriving to do better, also this chapter for some reason really shows how random and unorganized I am but I hope you didn't mind my way of writing and my randomness.

If someone is still reading this , hello , bonjour , salut yeah just thank you for reading and still being here , love y'all 💜

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