103 - Calling

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Gabriel Alexandra Elizalde's
Phone Screen

My Love calling....

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My Love

Gabriel Alexandra
Jack, I'm in a meeting. I'm busy.
I'll call you back later.

My Love
You're mad.

Gabriel Alexandra
I'm busy kase.

My Love
You're cold. They're just trying
to pissed me off. You know
Anabelle and I are over.

Gabriel Alexandra
I know but I don't want
to talk to you 'cause I'm busy.
I'm not mad.

My Love
I'll come get you.

Gabriel Alexandra
You don't know where I am.

My Love
Baby. You haven't said Happy Birthday to me.
You didn't call nor text.

Gabriel Alexandra
What for? Eh you're not used to it naman pala.
You don't like celebrating with anyone other than your ex. Never mind. Let's cancel the dinner later.

My Love
That's not true. I just don't celebrate 'cause it's not a big deal for me. But I want to spend my Birthday with you.

My Love
You're not gonna be with me today?

Read 9:34am

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