14 - Hide

491 4 0

Nate Gago Dela Vega
11:30 pm

Jack River
Who are those fucking assholes?

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Asshole? You mean you?

Jack River
The guys commenting on Mony's photo.

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Gab's Admirers.

Jack River
Fucking fools.

Nate Gago Dela Vega
You're the fool one.

Jack River

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Keep doing what you're doing.
One of these days, she won't be
within your grasp.

Jack River
I don't like her that way.

Nate Gago Dela Vega
Keep lying to yourself, Man.
Basta ako masaya ako kay Janeyy.
'Cause I didn't fucking hide.

Seen 11:38 pm

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