part twenty six

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jj's pov

hannah was working at the wreck today so i decided i would surprise her and pick her up when her shift was ending.

it had been almost a week since midsummers which also meant that tomorrow was the day we would break into the sheriff's office. i knew hannah had been a nervous wreck about the whole thing so i told her she could sleep at my place tonight.

i was on my way to the restaurant when i heard someone behind me call my name.

"jj," i whipped my head around to see the new scumbag kook, i think his name was harry or something like that.

i didn't want to waste my time with him and after all i had places to be so i just turned back around and continued on.

suddenly my shoulder was grabbed and i was spun around to face the douche.

"hey buddy," he said.

"what the hell do you want," i growled.

"no need to get snappy, just wanted to talk man," he replied.

"about what," i tersely said. i had no clue what the airhead would need to talk to me about right now and to be honest i really couldn't give a shit about it either.

"hannah," he replied, smirking. i just scoffed and rolled my eyes as i jerked my shoulder out of his grip and turned around.

"i saw you two at midsummers," he called, making me slow my pace slightly as i continued to walk away. "she's too good for you man."

"fuck off," i growled.

"listen, i would just back off now," he said.

"i don't even know who the fuck you are, or your name for that matter so why don't you just stay on your side of the island and i'll stay on mine," i snapped, stopping in my place and beginning to ball my hands into fists.

"it's henry," he said, sticking a hand out to me and smirking. i don't know what kind of crack this kid was smoking but there was no chance in hell i would be shaking his hand.

he retracted his hand before starting again, "anyways, that's exactly what i'm trying to tell you. you stay in the cut and leave hannah where she belongs."

"oh what, you mean with you?" i retorted, locking my jaw.

"well she surely doesn't belong with a dirty pogue like you."

that's when i lost it and connected my fist with his jaw. he stumbled backwards, immediately bringing his hand up to touch his, now-bleeding lip.

"shouldn't-a done that," he snarled and before i knew it i was in a head lock but harry, or henry, whatever his name was, was still standing in front of me.

i tried to jerk out of the hold in which i finally realized topper was the one choking me. kelce also appeared out of fucking no where and was next to the brunette's side before i could even blink.

"three against one?" i choked out. "are you kidding me?"

barely letting me finish my sentence henry drove his fist right into my face, and repeatedly did so as i attempted to jerk out of the hold i was in and kick at the guy in front of me.

"hey!" i heard a man's voice call out, "what do y'all think you're doin!?"

i was immediately dropped to the ground, grunting as i hit the concrete. i watched the three douche's run away quickly and soon someone was standing over me.

"boy," heyward approached me, "why do you always have to be getting yourself into trouble?"

pope's father extended his hand out to me and i grabbed it, pulling myself up and groaning in pain.

"come on," he started, "i'll clean you up."

"no no i'm good heyward. i'll just head back home, i can take care of myself."

the man gave me a skeptical look before nodding his head and watching me walk away as i headed back to my house, completely forgetting about my plans to surprise hannah.

i grabbed a beer once i entered the chateau, the best remedy for any pain after a fight. i sat down at the counter and held my head in my hands replaying all of the kook's words that i couldn't seem to get out of my head.

suddenly there was a knock at the door, i hadn't been keeping track of the time that had passed and realized hannah was probably here already.

"fuck," i muttered under my breath as i got up to answer the door.

"hey i-," hannah's face immediately dropped when she looked at mine, "holy shit jj what happened to your face."

she grabbed my head in her hands and looked at me with concerned eyes as i winced at the contact.

"shit sorry," she mumbled before grabbing my hand to inspect my bruised knuckles. she started to lead me to the bathroom without any words, gesturing for me to sit on the sink counter while she opened the cabinet searching for something.

she pulled out a washrag and wet it under the sink before bringing it up to my lip.

"what the hell happened?" she asked softly.

"i- it was nothing," i replied.

"sure doesn't look like nothing," she said, giving me a knowing look.

i sighed, "it was that new kook, harry or hayden or-"

"henry did this to you?" she exclaimed.

"and topper and kelce."

"wha- why?" she looked at me worriedly.

"look, hannah, i'm fine," i began, "really i'm fine."

the concern in her eyes did not vanish at my words no matter how much i'd hope it would have and her brows were still furrowed as she scanned over the rest of my face. i brought my hand up to hers to lift it away from my cheek.

"don't worry about me. they didn't even get any good hits," i chuckled, trying to dissolve the clear tension that was in the air.

"tell that to your black eye in the morning," she said softly as she smiled at me.

i hopped off the counter, cupping her face in my hands and pressing a quick kiss to her temple.

"i've told you that fights like this don't even phase me anymore."

"well they worry me," she sighed. i immediately got a pit in my stomach at her words and my mind went straight to what henry had said: she's too good for you.

she was too good for me and here i was making her worry even more by getting myself into fights.

"hey look at me," i placed a finger under her chin to bring her eyes up to mine, "i'm fine, i promise."

"okay," she said softly, pecking my lips. "why don't we go watch a movie in your bed?"

"mmmm," i began, "i can think of better things to do other than watch a movie."

i could see the blush rise on her cheeks at my words, something i could never get enough of seeing.

"hm like what?" she looked up at me smiling. i picked her up suddenly and began to walk as out of the bathroom and into my room.

"jj put me down!" she squealed but i connected my lips with hers before she could yelp again. i placed her down on the bed and began to trail kisses down her neck before she stopped me.

"wait wait wait i don't want to hurt you," she breathed out, referring to my cuts and bruises.

"superficial wounds babe," i smirked, "they look worse than they actually are."

"you are so full of yourself," she said before grabbing my head and pulling my lips down to her's again.


authors note:

hey guys i'm sorry this chapter was kind of boring and repetitive of previous chapters before. i just needed a filler chapter before they went to the sheriff's department. anyways, stay tuned for lots of drama coming up and thank you for all the support so far:)

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