(67): My Idiot

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After being in my room for almost three hours, trying to catch up on all the work that I missed, I finally decide that I seriously need some food. I get up from my bed, put on my slippers before making my way to the kitchen.

I settle on a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of orange juice as I sit down on the chair and munch happily.

When all my classes were over, I just spent time with the rest of the gang while waiting for Winnie to be out since she's the only who could drive me. Luckily no one asked me about Kyle because I'm pretty sure that was going to ruin my whole mood. We were chilling on our usual grass spot and just speaking about nothing in particular which I've come to really enjoy.

Even though I saw them only a few days ago, I still missed them. Avery and Nick are really attached by the hip. I don't want to stick my nose in their business but I'm really curious. Are they just friends or more? Kat and Nathan were lovey-dovey as usual and it was just nice, I guess.

Nathan's birthday is in a month and we were asking him what he wants to do, to which he just replied "Nothing". The guy is turning freaking 21 so we're not having it. After he was gone, we all concluded that a surprise birthday party is what he needs. Hopefully Kat won't tell him, because I know she has a hard time keeping this to herself. I can just imagine how fun it's going to be though.

I love distracting myself with thoughts.

I don't get to do that long enough because the door opens and in walks Kyle. He looks at me and I look at him but we don't say anything.

How awkward.

He runs a hand through his hair, drops his bag, before walking further into the house and in the kitchen. He grabs some bread, jelly and peanut butter before making himself a sandwich. I'm just watching him because I'm done with my food and have nothing else to do.

You could speak to him...

Hell no, conscience, he's the one avoiding me.

He walks and takes a seat on the chair next to me, still no word and it's driving me crazy.

I can't help but admire how his jaw clenches so sexily as he chews on the sandwich, and how he keeps on licking his lips to get the stickiness of the jelly off.

Stop! You're mad at him.

After what feels like forever, when he's done with his food, he turns the chair so he is looking at me, face tense.

"Chelsea-Anne" He simply says.

"Chambers" I reply, almost challengingly.

He smiles slightly but quickly wipes it off his face "How was your day?"




Yeah, this is what we're not doing.

I cross my arms against my chest and give him a stern and unhappy look.

"What?" He asks.

"Why were you avoiding me today and yesterday?" I enquire bluntly.

"Cause I needed time to cool down"

I scoff "Cool down from what?"

"You know what" He retorts, his expression impatient. "I didn't want to be snapping at you cause you know how I get"

"Well you did" I challenge.

He drinks some water "I wasn't trying to"

I sigh instead "Do you wanna talk?"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang