(64): Let's Talk

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Kyle's POV.

I seriously need to get a new car.

I've been driving around in Nathan's all day and I kind of need my own. I really appreciate him for letting me lend it and I feel bad for avoiding him lately. I just really needed a breather from everyone and everything. The past few days have been a lot for me.

After the 'meeting' with my siblings, I just want to get to the apartment and see Chelsea-Anne. I feel like an absolute wimp for missing her so much. It's only been a few hours.

Yesterday really happened...

We actually kissed, and it was the best kiss of my life. I am a wimp. I don't really care enough though. For her, I'd be anything.

I couldn't stop thinking about her the whole day. The way her soft lips felt against mine. I've never felt anything like that. There were literally sparks. What the fuck? Is that normal? Is that what kissing is supposed to feel like? I've kissed way too many girls, but never in my life had I felt that.

I've been missing out.

It was way too good to be real, but it was. How responsive she was... the way she moaned so sexily. Fuck, it did a lot to me. It was worse when we were on the bed and I was on top of her. I could feel my dick getting so fucking hard but luckily she didn't say anything. She was probably too shy to- cause I know she felt it- knowing her.

I really need to control myself. I don't want to scare her away because I know she's still a virgin. But damn, the way she responds to me makes it very hard to. The way she moans, grinded against me, tugged at my hair, ran her nails down my back... No girl has ever made me that hard without even being naked.

"Dude, are you even listening?" I see Zach snap a finger in my face with an annoyed look.

I shake my head dazedly "Sorry, what?"

We are at his place. He has an apartment around here which I've never actually seen before. It's our 'hideout' if you will, cause he said dad also doesn't know about it. We've been meeting here for the past two days and just discussing things, I guess. It's always weird to actually be in the same room as them and speak to them. I just really never thought it would happen again.

He sighs "Your old man finally spoke to me about what happened with you and your girl"

This immediately gets my attention as I sit up on the worn out brown couch "Well what did he say?" I ask.

"I was right; he was working with Bones. He was asking if I'd heard from you and I said no. He was pissed that you two were out so soon. Said he saw you around"

"That fucker" I curse angrily.

Zach tuts "You need to act fast cause he's pissed. I think he wants to finish the job"

"What? Kill me?" I snarl.

"I don't know, man, he'll probably send a contract soon again and if you don't sign this time, after his threat, he'll probably lose it" Zach tells me matter-of-factly.

I immediately trust his word cause he knows our father better than I do.

"Fuck that. I'm not signing that shit and I'll never work for him. He tried to kill me. How did he think that would help" I vent angrily.

"Figure it out" Is the only thing he says.

"Okay, my bubba" RJ appears from the bedroom, cooing in a baby voice into the phone with a grin "I wuv you. Bye" She waves.

She's Face-timing her son.

Zach and I just watch her. She has the screen away from us so we can't really see what's happening on the other side- not that I want to. I still don't know how I feel about her new family. Plus I already know what her son looks like. I remember Chelsea-Anne showed me a picture. I hate to admit it, but I can't wait to actually meet him. I mean he's my first nephew so I guess that's a big deal.

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