Chapter 56 Hermit Crab

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Xiao Yan entered the terminal and uploaded the data from Winn's handling of the zombies. He had only needed a minute to dispatch them all. Xiao entered the proper coding and completed the input setup.

Now, Xiao can simulate battle techniques through the system. Every small movement is reproduced in his program.

Later, Winn selected several soldiers, who had not formally entered the special task force, for Xiao to spar with.

"Xiao Yan, you have always faced me or Mark, but we are on a different level than you. With the x-virus it is impossible for you to match our speed or force, your body is simply incapable of obtaining that degree of ability."

"What you mean is you and Mark have to slow down and be careful that you don't hurt me." Xiao thought for a moment before continued.

"The requirements of the military department are that the researchers are able to defend against one or two zombies. I want to see how large the gap is between myself and other armed forces." Xiao tangled his fingers together and then pressed them outward, his knuckles cracking loudly.

Winn laughed. "The gap will be great."

But it is clear that Winn's reference to the 'great gap' is the exact opposite of Xiao Yan's expectations.

One morning, Xiao singled out 12 soldiers to spar with and enjoyed a complete victory. Other than a black eye and a hard hit to his mouth, he was performing at an unbelievable level.

Many of the special forces were talking about it. They think that Xiao Yan is training to enter the special task force.

"This guy is very powerful. I wonder which team he will be assigned to!"

"You should have seen how Major Winn looked at him. Maybe he will be assigned to Colonel Burton, like Mark and Liv."

"But I thought that he was a researcher at the Central Academy of Sciences? I had not heard of any techs willing to join the special task force."

Winn smiled proudly, Xiao Yan skills were cultivated by him.

On the training grounds Xiao Yan looked at his hands, feeling incredibly strong in the moment.

"There are three main reasons why you achieved have today's record." Winn extended his fingers.

"What are the three reasons?"

"First you have been trained by special forces elites."

Xiao Yan smiled. True, Mark had spent a lot of time sparring with him and Winn had even gone so far as to allow Xiao to record his movements for his simulator.


Even Heine Burton had personally guided him.

"The second is you are very smart. It is impossible for you to gain the type of experience needed from the Shire. But you found a way around that and designed a system for yourself. You honed your reflexes mentally and although your strength and power is not on the level of the special armed forces, by utilizing other's battle experience, you have more experience than they have."

"Thank you for your affirmation of my work. What about the third point?"

"The last and most important point... You never gave up." Winn grabbed Xiao's shoulder and his eyes reflect his admiration. "I have never thought well of any tech soldier. Their sense of accomplishment is limited to their own world, measuring everything through unrealistic standards. Xiao Yan, I have a feeling that you will go higher and farther from any of them. I just hope that you are not changed by success and things can always be as they are now."

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon