Chapter 19 About Immortality

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Heine Burton with his elegant and handsome face could get anyone that he wanted.

"Boss is too unapproachable, maybe someone like Jane Wallis is a woman's dream man. If you get the chance to meet him, you should take the time to learn from him." Maya chortled to himself.

Xiao Yan was starting to feel very drunk.

Maya's body, enforced with the x-virus does not succumb to the effects of alcohol. Xiao, though, was suddenly overcome with dizziness. He rushed toward the bathroom, but ended up heading in the wrong direction.

"Hey! Left! Left! God, brother, can you not tell the difference?" Maya stayed behind, leaning against the table, far too lazy move forward to help him.

Xiao, stumbled blindly until he finally located the bathroom. Disoriented, he stumbled around and hit his head on the door. Just as he was about to tumble down, he was caught and hauled up, a hand gripped his shoulder and shoved him into one of the stalls.

"Ah! Hegh!" Xiao retched and spit into the toilet. The hand on him, adjusted the grip on his neck so that Xiao is angled in a way where his head won't fall into toilet.

"mmmhmm." after vomiting up his stomach'

s contents, Xiao finally begins to feel a bit more comfortable.

His whirling gaze finally focuses, and he turns his head around, steadying himself on the sides of the stall. Standing in front of him is that man, with his cold indifferent expression and chiseled features. Heine Burton.

Of course...he just had to run into him in this state....


Suddenly Heine's hand reached over and grabbed his ear, pressing him against the wall. Startled Xiao nervously tried to figure out the reason behind the action.

Oh God, had be splashed him with his vomit?

Was he about to get a beating?

Heine's palms suddenly moved against Xiao's cheek, then unbelievably he pressed his lips against his. As his tongue flicked across Xiao's upper lip, he felt as though the world stopped and reversed its spin. The kiss was delicate and gentle, Heine's tongue slowly and tenderly sinking into his mouth entangling with his own, gently swiping and sucking. Xiao body weakened and Heine's knee wedged between his legs. The contact sizzled up from his calf to the hardness gathering at his groin. He felt his whole body heating up, his skin flushing and his breath hitching.

"You should go to bed."

Heine's frigid commanding tone divided the moment and Xiao suddenly realized that Heine was standing in front of him, his hands at his side.

So that kiss....

Was nothing but an illusion....?

Xiao blinked, his heart bitterly cursing. Oh my God! This isn't even the first time! Was he asking for his life to end? How could he imagine such a thing between him and Burton?

A hallucination? Was it because of the saliva he had transferred into his mouth? He knew that the x-virus was present in Heine's saliva, but it should have already been metabolized !

Furthermore, if the x-virus was going to induce such an illusion, shouldn't the object of his fantasies be Lily?

Why Heine Burton?

Suddenly the com device on Heine's wrist flashed. He fingers gently tapped the device and a holographic image of the liaison officer popped up. "Colonel, the torture specialists have the results from the Manson's brain."

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang