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Chapter 87

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"This isn't a game," Nicky declared, glaring at the chessboard after having lost her third game in a row. "This is a carefully disguised method of torture."

Despite watching for some time, I simply couldn't fathom how Nicky kept moving her pieces in such a way that the lady was forced to take one of them in order to make any move. It shouldn't have been possible.

With a groan of defeat, Nicky slid her chair back. "Your turn. This crazy game has humiliated me enough for one day. Besides, you're the one who asked them to dig up this thing."

I didn't really feel like it, but she had a point. With a sigh, I moved my chair closer while the archer lady patiently reset the board.

After a few moves, my mind gradually switched gears from dwelling on irritable people to planning several moves ahead while making allowances for the other player's strategy.

One of the men spoke quietly. "I hope you aren't too mad about us hauling that guy off. It didn't occur to us that it might upset you."

This had likely been weighing heavily on his mind for some time. He and the other two archers had returned some time ago, and their friends had brought them up to speed, including my earlier words and warning.

After a few moments, I said, "It wasn't too bad this time. Mostly because you were defending Nicky, and I didn't actually want to kill anyone. I advise caution in the future though. Most zombies don't react well to others intervening, especially if they aren't done with whoever antagonized them. Even Daniel or I could snap if our instincts are high enough."

"I'm really sorry. We thought we were removing someone who shouldn't be in the Stronghold. We didn't realize it might offend you."

"What's done is done. Let the matter be forgotten."

He nodded in relief. Now I just hoped I could truly let the matter rest and not dwell on the possibilities for revenge. Scaring the crap out of Kane while stalking him through a dark forest still sounded awfully good to me. And possibly a murder attempt while I was at it, just so he knew how it felt.

"In an hour or so, we can go on an early patrol and stay out late," Nicky said. "I'm sure we can have a late meal, and I doubt you'd object to helping Jess and me find some berries to tide us over."

"I'll go ask the kitchen if they can send something with you," one of the archers volunteered, getting up and disappearing down the stairs.

"Speaking of Jess," I said, "did she ever finish gawking at all the stuff the traders set up?"

"Maybe," a man replied dubiously. "I'll go check."

He also opted to use the stairway.


       "Wow! They even have deviled eggs in here!" Jess exclaimed, pulling container after container of food out of the picnic basket.

A picnic. In the zombie apocalypse. And, against all odds, they had even found a red and white checkered blanket for us to sit on.

I was not going to mention the spider crawling along the edge behind Jess. As I expected, it soon disappeared back into the grass. She wasn't the type to scream and run away, but she'd be on edge, and it would ruin the fun she and Nicky were having.

"Are you sure you don't want some of this?" Jess asked me, still trying to figure out what to put on her plate first.

"I'm fine." I pulled up my knee and rested my arm on it, watching the two while listening to the forest around us, although I had already checked the immediate area before letting them unpack the basket.

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