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Chapter 63

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I grappled with my temper, and my anger slowly simmered down to something that didn't demand I chase down the infuriating woman to settle this once and for all.

Eventually, I rose out of my fighting crouch and shook myself. I crossed my arms in agitation, still too worked up to consider sitting. Some of the tension in Nicky's shoulders dissipated now that I was finally showing some visible sign of progress.

"Nice snarl," she complimented me, "although I was hoping you'd slash her for such a remark. If Daniel hadn't shown up, I might have let loose and gone crazy on her. And honest, if I purposely decide to lose my cool, I go completely bat-shit crazy. She would have looked like a squirrel that stuck its tongue into an electrical socket by the time I got done with her."

I turned a faint glare on her. "You're not helping with my resolution to let her leave this building unscathed."

"Who says I want her to go unpunished?"

"This isn't the sort of distraction I need to avoid causing potentially fatal bodily harm," I told her with a growl.

"You need a distraction?" She suddenly grinned and excitedly asked, "What if I paint myself blue and swing from the tree branches like a monkey while singing 'Who Let The Dogs Out'?"

I stared at her in complete disbelief. Apparently, she had considered my comment a challenge. If that wasn't bad enough, I also knew she was the type of person who would do something like that. I wasn't sure how to erase that disturbing image from my mind.

Nicky continued to watch me with all the excitement of a four-year-old after drinking a stolen espresso, practically bouncing in her chair in her eagerness to try this new idea out. I had no clue how to respond to such a comment. Judging from Nina and Daniel's expressions, neither did they. Ironically, my anger had partially abated with the distraction.

I exhaled gustily as I sank down into my chair, grumbling, "Whatever are we going to do with you?"

Nicky burst out laughing. "Keep me around, obviously! What kind of question is that?"

Her crazy comment had derailed my line of thought enough that my vision was back to normal. I was still mad but no longer furious. Nina kept looking between Nicky and me with a dumbfounded expression.

On the ground below, Louise was making a hasty beeline back to the dining area. My eyes followed her, easily noting the fear in her stride and anxiousness in how she frequently glanced over her shoulder. Had it been dark out, she would have made the perfect paranoid target. Shaking my head, I resolutely turned my attention back to my companions before my temper rose with renewed vigor.

Trying to distract myself, I muttered to Nina, "Promise me you'll hide all the cans of blue paint where Nicky can't find them."

The possibility of the redhead actually attempting such a stunt was higher than the odds of Louise learning manners. Which made it far too likely.

"Hey!" Nicky protested, sitting up in alarm. "That's not fair! You can't ruin my fun like that!"

"Your idea of fun is often a challenge to our sanity," Daniel retorted, speaking for the first time since Louise left the roof.

Nicky raised her chin in defiance. "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if your criticism insults them, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes. Speaking of shoes, I still have a standing grudge against your left shoe. You should lend it to me for half an hour. I saw a package of markers somewhere."

"Not a chance. Even my shoe deserves to have its dignity left intact."

"I'll get a hold of it one day. Just you wait."

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon