Chapter 12

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"Stay with me tonight," he says, reaching between us to rub my hip bone. "I was supposed to meet Matthew and Eric for a drink. But I'll ditch them if I can spend more time with you."

"What will you tell them?"

"I'll figure it out," he whispers, sucking on my jaw. "Tell me you don't have other plans."

"I was about to meet Stephanie and Michelle for dinner."

"You don't want to stay here with me?" he counters, hands sliding over my ass, hips rocking.

I moan, kissing his neck. "You're such a bad influence."

"I'll take that as a yes," he says. Reaching for his cell phone, he holds it out with a smile, "Call Stephanie and Michelle. Tell them you can't make it. Please."

My heart hammers in my throat, chest, and every inch of my skin—part of me wonders if I should separate myself from Ben tonight. I need to focus on what my heart wants versus what my body wants. But I can't bring myself to say no to him for some reason.

His soft and pleading voice repeats, "Please, Megan."

Those two simple words were all I needed to cave into his proposition despite my better judgment. He placed his cell phone in my hand, and I dialed Michelle's number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey," I say, feeling his eyes watching me.

"You're awake," she says. "Are you meeting us for dinner?"

Ben leans forward, kissing my collarbone and my neck. I'm unprepared to feel dizzy from the feel of him, the sensation of his lips kissing my bare skin.

"No," I say, my voice shaky. "Thanks for the invite, though. I'm not hungry and still too tired to leave the villa."

"Aw, okay," she says, sounding disappointed. "Rest up. We'll see you later."

She clicks off from our call.

Ben kisses my forehead and squeezes my thighs. Slowly, he removed his cell phone from my hand and tapped out a text.

"Who are you texting?" I ask.

"Eric," he says.

I'm going to stay in. I'll take it easy tonight.

Three little dots pop up before I see Eric's response:

Since when did you grow a vagina?

It's your loss, man.

There is a ton of tight young ass in the bar tonight.

Ben catches me staring at Eric's response and quickly tucks his phone into his back pocket.

"Maybe you should meet Eric and Matthew at the bar." The words tumble out before I consider whether it's what I truly want to suggest.

He looked over his shoulder, closed the door and entered the bathroom. "I think I'd rather stay here with you, " he said.

Space seems to shrink, and we stand, staring at each other.

"But you're missing out on a ton of tight young ass," I manage.

It's the first time since the coin toss in Chicago that sleeping with Ben may be the riskiest thing I've ever done. I'm in way over my head. How can I keep my feelings from him without them showing every time I look at him?

"I'm not interested," he whispers.


"Megs," he scratches his neck. "I just... want to stay here and kiss you again."

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