Chapter 8

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Dinner with Steven was precisely how I imagined our first date would be. When we were ushered to our table, he pulled out a chair for me, just like he did for his mother. He was the perfect gentleman- polite, courteous, and kind. He complimented my outfit, a cute striped jumper that I fancied up with chunky jewelry and a pair of black pumps. He told me I looked gorgeous and said I had the prettiest brown eyes.

He even suggests he order for both of us. I've never had a man take such control before. He ordered our drinks, appetizers, and main course. I'm even more impressed when he doesn't order me vodka water, as Ben suggested. Instead, he orders us an expensive bottle of white wine. I silently laugh to myself because Ben hates white wine. He insists it's way too sweet and considers it a fancy fruit juice compared to red wine.

When I take my first sip, I feel wicked satisfaction, as though I somehow get back at Ben for his rude behaviour earlier by enjoying his most hated wine.

Throughout dinner, our conversation never dulls. There are no awkward pauses. Our banter is easy and natural. Steven's positive vibe is contagious. He even tells me the reason for his divorce; his wife admitted she was a lesbian. I nearly choke on my garlic shrimp when he tells me this. I didn't expect that.

Steven assures me there aren't any hard feelings between them. After their divorce, they remained friends. I feel relieved to hear this, as divorce can be messy.

When the waiter clears dishes from the table, Steven leans back and calmly asks, "So, I know you said Ben's not always that protective." I meet his eyes from across the table, feeling an anxious jolt up my spine. "But I couldn't help but notice how he looked at you earlier. Maybe you two had something more than friendship in the past. Because I mean, and I don't mean to pry, but you've been friends since the ninth grade and never once crossed that line?"

Oh shit.

I laugh nervously and take a sip of wine. "Of course not," I lie. "We're just friends. Ben doesn't like me like that." This is true. Sex and feelings are two different things in Ben's world.

Steven studied me for a brief moment. "It's just... when guys and girls are just friends, and as close as you two seem to be, usually someone develops feelings at some point. Whether in the past or present, I think it's inevitable."

"I beg to differ," I say, feeling mighty defensive. "Ben was just grumpy. And it's not always inevitable. Just because two people are friends and the opposite sex doesn't mean they want to bang each other."

Steven frowns. "I'm sorry... it's just...I like you. And I told you about my ex-wife. I just wanted to make sure nothing was going on between you two. And if something has, I'd rather know sooner than later. I wouldn't want to be moving forward only to find out otherwise." He runs a hand over his face. "And maybe I'm being way too forward and getting ahead of myself...but I hope you can appreciate my concern."

I nod, palms sweaty. I hate lying. I especially hate lying to Steven, especially after he was so open and honest with me. But then again, what happened between Ben and me will never happen again, and more importantly, no one will ever know about it.

"I appreciate your concern," I tell him. "You have nothing to worry about, though. We're just friends. And Ben will come around. I promise."


After dinner, after I thanked Steven again for the flowers, we walked hand in hand down the beach. Despite how my hand feels awkwardly intertwined with his, I feel the heat of my blush through the resort grounds and wonder if it's possible to make things work with Steven even though I'd lied to him about Ben. Trust is everything in a relationship. Should I have told him? I should've. But if I told Steven about that coin toss with Ben, it would somehow mean something, which it didn't.

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