Chapter 60

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As months went by you were now 9 months pregnant

Your due date was January 30th which was today

Sirius helped you down the stairs as you truly needed help with everything now

Narcissa was told about Sirius and how he's innocent only was convinced by seeing Sirius's memories of that day which Sirius gladly did

Now Sirius can just be himself and not a dog and help you

"How are you feeling?" He asks and you sigh

"As good as I can be." You say as you put a hand on your big baby bump

"You feel like todays the day?" Sirius asks and you think as Sirius seemed to not want to wait for your answer and was already putting his head to the baby bump "Hey you, come on out today is your due date get out of there, it can't be that comfortable huh?" Sirius says and you chuckle

"I mean they are moving a lot lately so maybe they will come out on their due date, or be late who knows." You say as Sirius pats the baby bump

"Hey my little niece needs to get out I'm done waiting." Sirius says and you chuckle

You had planned to move to Sirius's house after the baby is born

Just you don't wanna have to inconvenience Narcissa with your child crying at night and keeping her up

She had said she doesn't mind but you won't let her change your mind

She already had a kid and went through it all, you won't make her go through this again, it's your responsibility anyways and she's been kind enough to let you stay for most of your pregnancy

A few hours later as Sirius was making you tea as you were on the couch reading a book you gasp shocked and Sirius came running in

"Y/n don't scare me like that." He says and you sigh

"No my water broke." You say and Sirius looked at the table as Narcissa ran in hearing those words

"Your glass of water is fine." He says and you sigh as Narcissa helped you walk towards the door ready to leave Sirius behind

"The baby is coming now Sirius, get me to a hospital!" You say and Sirius turns into a dog and runs out the door ready to help you the best he can

When you finally arrived at the hospital Narcissa made sure you were seen right away

You tried to go to a muggle hospital but Narcissa said she doesn't trust muggles that's much, and took you to a wizarding hospital

Which she used her status to get you the best so yeah guess that worked out

Sirius had to stay a dog tho which is why you wanted a muggle hospital but Narcissa told you that you can't accommodate always for him he can stay a dog for 7 hours

Narcissa had left to talk to a healer about telling Draco how his sibling is on the way but she can't really leave you alone, but needed to get the message to him

You were taking deep breaths as another healer was here making sure you were okay and seeing how far along you are already

"We'll miss L/n anything else you need?" The healer asks and you shake your head feeling fine right now

'I wish Lucius was here.'

As time passed you were finally in labour it's been hours of contractions and pain but now more pain

Narcissa was allowed to stay as well the father isn't here and Sirius can't turn into himself to be here as your foster brother

So Narcissa is here helping you with the healers

Finally after what felt like so long of pushing she was here

She was on your chest as she was fast asleep she wasn't making any noise but her little chest was going up and down showing she was breathing

You just smile at her she was so small, tiny but already so cute

Tiredness washed over you as your mind and body finally caught up with what happened

"So? What's her name I know Lucius probably already picked it out by the time you said I'm pregnant." Narcissa asks as she smiles at the little girl on your chest and you smile

"He did and Draco didn't like any of them as they won't match him in star names." You say and Narcissa sighs

"He can't force my family's naming traditions on you both I could as it was my kid, but he can't do it with you don't worry, and don't appease him he's spoiled enough." Narcissa says and you chuckle

"Well her middle name is accidentally appeasing him kinda as it's my mothers name." You say and Narcissa smiles at the little baby girl

"Well tell me I'm curious now." Narcissa says impatient but trying to hide it but was terrible at it as she was almost bouncing in excitement to know, you see where Draco gets it

"Meet Luciana Selene Malfoy."

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