Chapter 35

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When summer arrived Lucius came to your house as you were asleep on the couch with Sirius asleep on the ground beside you

Lucius smiles as Sirius growls at him and Lucius sighs as he kneels down to Sirius

"Look you don't like me and I don't like animals but I love her so let's just get along ok?" Lucius says and Sirius lays his head down and Lucius nods "Ok good glad we can agree." Lucius says and he then wakes you up and you look confused

"Why are you in my house?" You ask and Lucius chuckles

"To see my girlfriend can I not do that?" Lucius says and you sit up slightly

"Can't you knock?" You say and Lucius looked confused

"Why would I need to knock? We're dating so if your naked it doesn't matter I've already seen it all." Lucius says and he can be annoying sometimes but then again he's Lucius malfoy what do you expect?

Narcissa even mentioned good luck he's annoying and a bit dumb sometimes, when she heard about you and Lucius finally dating

And Lucius had looked over and was like don't talk crap about me to my girlfriend and right in front of me how dare you this is why we're divorced

You felt bad for laughing

Like parent meetings with them both together can be a bit awkward

And you really don't know what to do with them sometimes like Narcissa will say something like yeah we are divorced because didn't you have a cheating problem while with me

And stuff like that and you get nervous to say anything

And since Lucius was over and you both were drinking on the couch and cuddling now

You decided to ask him what he thinks you should do in that situation

"Lucius? What do you think I should do when you and Narcissa start fighting in my office?" You ask and Lucius sighs

"Me and Narcissa have a complicated relationship we are better off friends but doesn't mean we don't have the problems still with each other that we had married, divorce doesn't make them disappear." Lucius says and you nod

"Yeah well should I stop it or let you both just do what you have to?" You say and Lucius thinks as he plays with your hair

"Maybe just get us back on track me and Narcissa can deal with our problems when your not around." Lucius says and you nod 'If I just got with y/n when I realized I liked her I wouldn't have ever hurt Narcissa and I hate I hurt her but I did because I tried to use her to get over y/n and that wasn't healthy at all.'

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