49| The future is bright

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A tear slips out and a shiver runs through me as I turn my head away, overcome by this hopelessness. It had taken a village to get us to this point, literally, and despite the fact things were just starting to look up, I feel hopeless all over again. With one last look at the mermaid statue, I turn on my heel, straight into Jordan's chest.

For about a minute, I don't speak, I just stare into those endless eyes like I'm staring at a ghost. He's soaked right through, his dark hair sticking to his forehead in strands and his t-shirt clinging to his biceps like a second layer of skin. If it  weren't for the gentle rise of his chest, I'd think I'm imagining this.

"I'm sorry," he says roughly, and just like that, he's grabbing my hand and pulling me into the safety of his arms. His breathing is ragged, his chest softly rising and falling against my own, but I don't move a muscle. Somewhere in the last few minutes, I've turned to stone, too.

"My phone got stolen," he says into my neck, and I feel myself shudder at the warmth of his breath, a feeling I'd almost forgotten. But like most good things, the second you get to experience it again, you can't remember ever being without it. My body knows Jordan like the back of my hand, and the longer I stand here resisting his touch, the harder it feels to breathe. "I'd gotten too used to the island and never having to worry about that stuff."

Another second passes, but I can't bring myself to speak. A part of me is certain that I've fallen asleep or bumped my head and I'm imagining this.

"I hadn't backed up your number," he says when I don't say anything, "I had no way of reaching you, Evvy, and I tried everything, believe me."

The lump in my throat grows bigger. I feel my body start to sink into his, and I hate that he has this effect on me. I hate that the second I see him, I crumble to pieces. This is the scary part of falling, the part no one tells you about. The part where a piece of you breaks every time you wind up hurt, and there's not a thing you can do to stop it.

"Evvy," he whispers.

His voice unravels me, and I realize it's not anger I feel right now, it's fear. Fear of loving someone so much that the thought of them leaving physically pains me. It's an emotion I've worked hard to avoid ever since my mom's death, but if I've learned anything this summer, it's that running from the fear doesn't make it go away; it only makes it stronger.

"I thought you weren't coming back," I say quietly, and when I tilt my head to look at him, I imagine my expression looks pitiful. The old me would have been terrified of being so vulnerable around him. It's like I've gotten through life by painting on a smile and attempting to be brave, but there are no pretenses when it comes to Jordan. I'd once wondered what it would feel like to be honest with him, and I realize it's a lot like freedom.

His eyebrows draw together, and his gray eyes turn stormy at the thought of making me worry. "I told you," he says, his grip around me tightening, "I'm not going anywhere, Evvy." And then he's drawing me closer, threading his fingers through the back of my hair before pulling me into a kiss.

The second his mouth lands on mine, the world fades. My heart goes into overdrive, each thump of my heartbeat like a mini electric shock that jolts every nerve in my body. His kiss is magnetic, the that lifts you up and strips you bare, exposing you to the world. And instead of being terrified, I'm excited.

It's hard to believe that so much has happened in just a few months, and I don't just mean physically. While so much has changed – the cafe, Mom's beach, the island – I've changed, too. Once upon a time, the thought of getting close to someone who might just up and leave was terrifying. Ryan was proof that anyone could leave, as was my mother, yet somehow Jordan broke through my defenses, taught me that change could be good. Taught me that falling, despite the risk of pain, is worth it.

"We don't have much time," I say softly. "I told my dad I'd be back by now." A quick glance toward the cove's entrance shows the rain is still pouring, but the slight chill to the air and the gentle pitter-patter only make Jordan's arms feel warmer.

Jordan nods in agreement, but neither of us makes any effort to move. We're too wrapped up in one another, desperate to savor our last remaining moments in a place reserved just for us. After today, I'll be going off to college and the real world begins.

His mouth finds mine like it's always belonged there. My body folds into him, sinking into the grooves of his chest like the perfect jigsaw piece. Lina would tell me I'm crazy for finding this mermaid cove romantic, but somehow this space has become ours, a place we can shut out the rest of the world and focus only on each other.

I can't think of anything better.

His lips brush my nose now, then move to my ear, where he gently kisses my lobe. In a low, rough whisper like he's desperate to get it out, he says, "I love you."

Without meaning to, my eyes tear up for the millionth time today, only this time they're happy tears, the ones my dad tried to tell me about – the ones that remind you you're alive.

"I love you too," I say. The grin that crosses his face is adorable, and I can't help but squeeze him tighter. "So, what happens now?"

"You go off to college," he proposes, "come back when you're ready to help me with the cafe, and we live happily ever after."

Relief washes through me, propelling my body closer to his as I wrap my arms around him. It's strange how quickly a person can change your whole life, so much so that it's hard to remember what life was like before he came to the island. Everything about him has my body on edge, like I'm standing on a cliff on the verge of taking flight, and he's right there to catch me if I fall.

"I almost forgot," he says, and he reluctantly pulls back before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small, velvet box. "I got you something."

My heart does a leap as he opens the lid, revealing the necklace inside. It's beautiful – a thin, gold chain with a delicate pendant in the middle. I lean in closer, trying to make out the pendant through the dark, and when I do, my smile spreads. Etched into the circular pendant is the outline of a mermaid, and behind her, a sailor's anchor.

The sailor and the mermaid.

In some ways, the legend has always reminded me of us, except now our story has a different ending, one where the sailor returns and the pair live happily ever. And while the future is still uncertain, still hard and confusing, and inherently scary, it's also bright and filled with endless possibilities; I can't wait to see what happens next.

The End


Hey guys!

I really hope you enjoyed this book and thank you for all of the votes and lovely comments, they really mean a lot to me. ❤️❤️❤️

If you're looking for your next romance, don't forget to check out one of my other books:

Girl on Track
The Coffee Pact
Bottom Dollar
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