42| Feels like goodbye

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By the time we get home, Dad has already set the table and thanks to the power being out, is whipping some food up on the barbecue. He glances through the patio doors, spots us, and waves.

"Jordan," he calls, waving him over, "why don't you come and help me with the barbecue?" It's his not-so-subtle attempt at finding an opportunity to interrogate Jordan alone.

Jordan shoots me a panicked look before nodding and heading out. I get busy tidying up a little, then lean on the counter and watch them through the window. While Dad has always been cautious about the boys that we date, he's not one of those overbearing Dads who threaten to get the shotgun out, not that he has one. His trick is to kill them with kindness, all the while extracting information from them like he's some undercover spy.

Jordan, at least, looks a little more at ease now that he's working on the barbecue. Dad's standing back, grinning, because anyone who can even slightly cook is a good person in his books.

Dinner goes surprisingly well. The three of us sit at the table with a mountain of hot dogs between us while Dad quizzes Jordan about Chicago. "So," he says, "you're around Evvy's age, right? You go to college?"

"A little older," Jordan says. "Nineteen, and no, I didn't go to college. I wanted to, I just couldn't really afford it. I work in construction now, which suits me. I like building things."

Dad nods through a mouthful of hotdog. "Speaking of college." He looks at me now, raising an eyebrow. "You planning on packing any time soon? Or are you going to leave everything to the last minute, as usual?"

"The second one," I say, because I don't want to talk about college right now. Even though it's fast approaching, it's hard o think of anything but the fact that by the time I leave, Jordan will be gone, and I don't when – or if – he'll be coming back.

"Lexi can't wait to help you get settled in over there," Dad says. "I'm glad you two will both be over there. I like the thought of you looking out for each other."

My heart pangs. "And who's going to look out for you?" Through all of this, it's been one of my biggest fears. If Lexi and I are living on the mainland, who does Dad have?

Dad reaches over, giving my hand an affectionate squeeze. "I'll be okay, Evvy. I have my company to keep me busy, and I'll come and visit you guys whenever you want me to."

Beneath the table, Jordan squeezes my hand. The prospect of change looms over us again, casting a veil over the evening. I want to enjoy this moment right now, be grateful that Jordan and my dad are getting along, but all I can think is: this isn't going to last. I thought I'd gotten over these fears by now, but maybe we never really do. They're always there, lurking beneath every thought or choice, demanding to be noticed.

"Anyone want dessert?" Dad asks, but then he pauses and adds, "Actually, we don't have any. I just remembered everything in the fridge is rotten. I could quickly make some–"

"It's okay, Dad," I say, getting to my feet. "I'm full and also really tired."

"Me too," Jordan says. "The food was  really great. Thanks, Mr.–"

"Call me Eric," Dad says, smiling. "Don't think just cause you're sweet-talking me you guys can sleep in the same bedroom, though."

Jordan hides another smile. "Wouldn't dream of it, Eric."

I roll my eyes, and after helping Dad to clear away the plates, Jordan and I head upstairs, into the hallway, where he pulls me into a hug. "I wish things were different," he whispers against my ear.

I hold him tighter, squeezing my eyes shut. "Me too."

We stay like this a little while before I finally pull back. "I guess I'll see you in the morning," I say.

"Yeah," he says, his eyes dark, because neither of us wants the morning to come, not when we know what's going to happen. "See you in the morning."

Back in my bedroom, I change into an oversized t-shirt and climb into bed. I'm not sure if it's the emotional weight of the cafe being destroyed or  from running all over the island, but either way, I'm exhausted.

Still, my mind doesn't want to switch off. I turn to face the wall, curled into a ball, and try to fall asleep, but it's impossible. I keep wondering what happens now, what things will be like once Jordan goes home, which is only next week. Is he going to come back? Will he visit me at college? The questions race around in my head, keeping me up. Until they're answered, I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

I wait until it's after twelve when Dad is fast asleep on the other side of the house to tiptoe into the hallway again when I lightly knock on Jordan's door. It feels intrusive to barge in and I don't want to wake him if he's already asleep, so I wait a few moments.

I'm about to turn when the door creaks open. He stands in front of me, shirtless, his chest all angles and edges. I step inside, locking the door behind me.  "Hi," I say.

He draws me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. Against my ear, he whispers, "Hi."

"I couldn't sleep," I say.

"Me either."

"When are you coming back?"

"As soon as I can."


"I promise."

There's no more talking. His mouth catches mine through the dark. I inhale slightly as his fingers slip beneath my t-shirt, gently brushing my hips. He pulls me backward without breaking our kiss until he's sitting on the bed. I sit in the space between his legs, wrapping my thighs around him.

He pulls back a little, taking me in as his hands run the length of my thighs. Up close like this, I can just about make out the sharp edges of his jaw, the  bow-shaped curve of his mouth. His eyes are hooded, studying my face like he's committing it to memory, wanting to savor every inch.

His fingers make their way to my hips, where he pulls me even closer. I inhale sharply, leaning forward until my hair drapes over his chest. Slowly, his hands reach the hem of my t-shirt, where he gently lifts it over my head. It ends up on the floor in a pile, leaving me completely exposed.

There's something different about this moment – something raw. Between the destruction of the cafe and Jordan's impending departure, this feels like the ultimate goodbye.

I slowly lift my hands to his chest, resting my palm above his heart, which steadily thumps beneath the skin. His eyes turn hooded as his hand cups me back, his thumb gently brushing my breast. A tingling erupts beneath the pad of his finger and spreads to my stomach, where it pools and grows.

I'm not sure who initiates, but suddenly we're falling back, into the folds of the covers. His lips are back on mine, warm and demanding, sending little shockwaves through my skin. I want to savor this moment, to play it over and over in my head, because right now, this moment is perfect.


As always, hope you enjoyed! ❤️

Just to let you know there are going to be around 50 chapters in this book, so we're getting close! 😱

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