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     "And then he said that he still needed some time before he could forgive me. Can you believe that? With Asher on the couch!" Shea explained, as he played video games with Garrett at his house. Spending evenings together killing aliens on Shea's couch had become somewhat of a tradition between the pair, and Garrett was especially happy to find a worthy opponent, being that Asher never really played video games much. 

     "So? Just lay low until he forgives you." Garrett suggested, titled to the side, smashing his fingers against the controller. 

      "Yeah I know that, but it just pisses me off, you know?" 

     "No what?" Garrett asked as he killed a glowing alien on the screen.

     "Garrett, are you thick? I'm upset that Simon is so easy on him. Asher just gets off with everything so easy. Everybody just forgives him and forgets all the crap he does. Here I am, off the football team, no Simon, and he caused it all, and he gets to just sit there with Simon, and he has everything."

     "Shea." Garrett put the controller down on the table, allowing his character in the game to die. "Simon got Asher suspended from the football team, to get back at him for forcing you to switch schools."



     After leaving Simon's house the first day Asher had told the boy that he was going home, but he had lied. Asher wound up sleeping at the park, and grabbing extra clothes from his locker. Now, though, after Simon's panic attack Asher had a pang-ing sensation of guilt, knowing his actions could have caused his mother a panic attack of her own. Asher and his mother didn't get on, and his mother was always disappointing in him, but he was sure that at the end of the day she cared for him, and he hated the idea that he had put her through hell over the last few days, so he resolved to finally go home.

     Asher's mother had a very good job as a big city corporate lawyer, so they lived in a beautiful city town home, but the house was cursed. The house was filled with Asher's father, and it bogged his mother, despite the fact that she refused to see that. Asher sighed, not happy to see the house, but still determined to make his way. Asher strode through the front door to see his mother in the foyer, dressed in a black dress and heels, getting ready to go to some evening social event. 

      "Oh good you're home." His mother said and turned her back to him. "Could you clasp my necklace?"

    "Uh.. Sure." Asher did as he was told, and his mother turned around. Despite saying it was good he was home, there was no love on her face. 

     "Pick up the dry cleaning while I'm gone." She handed him a slip with an address on it, "I need a dress to wear to the gala tomorrow."

    "I will.. Mom, I'm really sorry I left. I didn't mean to worry you.. I just-"

    "You were gone?" His mother looked at him strangely. 

    "Oh.. no. No I wasn't. Never mind." Asher hung his head. 

    "Dry cleaning." His mother repeated. "Goodbye Christopher." She called up the stairs, and turned out the door to leave. Asher stared at the door after she had left, and shook his head, not allowing himself to be disappointing that she wasn't more upset. He slowly made his way up the stairs until he could see Kit's door. Simon was right; Kit was going to be pissed. 

     "Hey." Asher said casually poking his head in the doorway.

     "Asher?" Kit jumped up from his chair. "Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick!" Kit pinned Asher to the wall in a tight hug. 

    "I was upset." Asher shrugged, "But I'm feeling a little better now."

    "Don't EVER do anything like that again." Kit scolded still attached to his brother's waist.

     "Alright.." Asher chuckled. "I have to go pick up dry cleaning for mom, do you want to come?" Asher asked, and Kit nodded, grabbing his sweater off the back of his chair. There was a dry cleaners not far from their house, so Asher and Kit got into Asher's car and made their way over. The small beige building came into sight, and they parked in the little lot and got out. Through the window they could see a tall man with blonde hair working the counter. 

     "Is that Liam?" Kit asked, looking to Asher. "Simon said his brother didn't work."

    "Simon just told me his brother is at football practice." Asher stared through the glass, sure of the person he saw.

     "You were with Simon?" Kit exclaimed.

     "Shh. Later." Asher shushed. "Liam is lying to Simon."

     "We don't know that." Kit stated, but the situation didn't make Liam look very good. 

    "Well I can't go in there." 

    "Why?" Kit asked.

    "I don't want to see Liam." Asher explained.

    "Back off. He's mine." Kit's little face twisted furiously.

    "You can have him." Asher held up his hands defensively. "He hates me, so you have to go in there and get mom's clothes."

     "Oh. Sure." Kit smiled, and made his way confidently into the building. There was no line so he was able to walk right up to Liam at the counter. "Hi Liam." 

    "Is that Asher?" Liam asked with a dark tone, gesturing to the store window. "Are you together?"

     "Oh God no... We're br-  that's not important. I was just texting Simon, and he said that you're at football practice. Right now." Kit accused.

    "Oh.. there must have been some miscommunication." Liam chuckled nervously.

    "Nice try. Simon also told me your grandparents said you aren't allowed to work until you graduate." Kit raised an eyebrow.

     "Temporary insanity?"

     "Nope." Kit shook his head. 

    "Fine. My grandparents... they don't give us much money, so I have to work, and I just told Simon all of that so he wouldn't worry, or try to get a job too young." Liam relented. "Is that so wrong? It's just a little white lie to protect him.. and I feel awful about it."

     "I love a bad boy."

     "What?" Liam's brows furrowed.

     "Nothing. You have to tell Simon." Kit affirmed.

     "I know. That's what Mary said." Liam lazily straightened the papers on his desk, letting his attention fall away from Kit, and into his own head.

    "Who's this Mary character?" Kit questioned.

    "And I really shouldn't keep things from him.." Liam sighed.

    "Seriously who is she?" 

   "He'd want me to tell him." Liam rubbed his forehead. "And he would totally tell me if the roles were reversed, right?" 

     "I feel like we keep coming back to Mary." 

     "Just promise me you won't tell Simon. It should come from me, and I'll tell him soon." Liam pleaded, his eyes filled with worry. If Simon were to find out from someone else, it would be ten times worse than coming from him. 

     "Fine. But I'm not happy about this." Kit scrunched his face in anger.

     "Thank you. I owe you one." Liam smiled like a cute puppy, and his eyes twinkled in the florescent lighting, with his hair falling perfectly on his forehead. No matter what all Liam had to do was smile, and he was forgiven in Kit's eyes. 

     "I'm not mad anymore." Kit grabbed Liam from across the counter, and pulled him into a hug. "And if I ever hear you talk about another girl in front of me I swear-"

    "Uh.. do you have your receipt for your dry cleaning?"

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