
To whom is may concern,
          	In regard to Auctioned Off and Call It Off, I have no intentions as of right now to post them anywhere else, translate them or turn them into “true” stories. Those are stories I wrote years ago that would need so much editing and work done to be released anywhere else. With that being said, please no more messages asking to post them elsewhere or to translate them. I don’t intend to try and make money from them nor do I have the time to fully edit and basically change the majority of either story. 
          	Best regards 


To whom is may concern,
          In regard to Auctioned Off and Call It Off, I have no intentions as of right now to post them anywhere else, translate them or turn them into “true” stories. Those are stories I wrote years ago that would need so much editing and work done to be released anywhere else. With that being said, please no more messages asking to post them elsewhere or to translate them. I don’t intend to try and make money from them nor do I have the time to fully edit and basically change the majority of either story. 
          Best regards 


Hey I just want to say that I am enjoying your stories very much. They are extremely cute and was wanting to know if I can borrow your idea a bit. I would like to do a similar idea maybe in like old Japan or something... Give it some thought and let me know. I also just published my first story if you want to check it out. Please keep writing!!! 


Feel free! I wrote this so long ago that I’m sure plenty of others have published similar stories or themes!


I have read both of your stories and I enjoyed every minute of it can't wait to see what else you write looking forward to reading more of your stories 


Thank you xx I’ve been working on another story for about a year now but I’ve been so busy with my son and working full time!!


Hi I just wanna say that I loved reading both of your books so much that are both amazing the love between them relly just made me happy I would definitely kill August he is a dick I was so mad reading about how he was hurting Ethan but thank you for making them that are so good  


I love your books and I wish I could get little knowledge from you on how you write.


i just saw this im sorry  Honestly when it came to Auctioned Off, it was just everything off the top of my head/imagination which is why it was so messy and not really connected. With another story I was working on and is currently unpublished, I have a note on my phone that has characters, their age, their birthday, parents names, etc and then like “Start of story year: xxxx. Chapter one year: xxxx” and stuff like that just to keep track. When it comes down to pricing things in the story, i tend to google similar things. an example is the price range of a phone if a character is buying one!


Hi Kat! Just want to say I love your books! I'm obsessed with the cliffhanger of the first and about to start the second now! (Yes, all in one night) I hope you get around to writing more in the future. Do you happen to have any other social media platforms for your writing? 


I JUST SAW THIS IM SO SORRY! I unfortunately don’t have any other socials for my writing as I’ve kind of fallen out of writing due to having a baby and working full time but I’m hoping to jump back into it eventually 


I was going through comments on Auctioned Off and was sitting there laughing at some of the jokes or things ya’ll said. It warmed my heart. I wrote that when i was 14/15 so I think its absolutely awful but the comments made me feel a bit better. 
          Side note: I’ve been slowly working on a new story but I won’t publish it until I’m pretty deep in so that I can make sure I post updates regularly rather than trying to rush an upload just to meet a deadline. 
          I love each and every one of you so so dearly and your comments brighten my day. Thank you for any and all support ya’ll provide 


@kelizabeth2002 are you still planning to publish the new story ? p.s i loved auction off i thought it was great


Thinking about getting back into writing. I need to think of ideas though! 


i’ll try and think of something


@kelizabeth2002 "gl" means "girl love" and a supernatural love story sounds cool 


i’ll be honest i dont know what gl means but i wouldnt mind doing a straight story. idk if i should make it ✨supernatural✨ or not


Hi! I'm new here! And i love reading some BL bxb. I really love ur stories! I hope u make one more and more! 


aw thank you!! unfortunately i dont write anymore because i feel my writing now at 19 will be different from my writing when i was 15, when i wrote Auctioned Off! I want to write more but i have no plot lines or ideas! we can definitely chat about something like this though! Much love, Kat