CHAPTER 29: To the Park?

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The next day, I woke up extra early. Earlier than Liam as I was so happy, I don't know why but I feel happy after last night. Okay, okay. I agree, ignoring Liam was a very bad idea.

But you know what, I am happy. I am happy that at least we got closer to each other.

After taking a bath, brushing my teeth I went downstairs. I saw Maria in the kitchen, I went to her and said "Good Morning."

She looked at me in amazement. "Morning. How are you awake so early?"

I giggled. "Can I prepare the breakfast today?"

She eyed me suspiciously, I gave her a bright smile. "Sure, you can."

Happily, I went in and started preparing the breakfast. After sometime Ryan and Liam came down. They sat on their usual places.


Phew! I have worked so hard today.

"Here's your breakfast." I say placing the plate of food in front of them.

"Is there something special?" Liam asked suspiciously.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"You are never up so early. And you look happy too. What's the matter?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Mommy, no secrets." Ryan said again eyeing me suspiciously.

I cleared my throat. "C-Can you both stop with those looks? What is your problem if I am happy?"

Both of them were still looking at me with the same expression. "Ugh!! You both are irritating."

I sat on the seat next to Ryan and started eating the food, happily.

Ryan took a bite of the food then, moaned. "Mmm... Dad there is definitely something fishy. I am sure. The food too tastes awesome."

What the hell is wrong with him!

"Bella, will you tell us what is it?" Liam asked.

"Jesus! You guys are unbelievable."

Ryan giggled and Liam smirked. I continued eating the breakfast. After we were done, Liam got up from his seat and wore his coat. He picked up Ryan in his arms and kissed his cheek "Take care and don't be naughty."

Ryan nodded obediently and kissed Liam's cheek.

"Good boy." After setting Ryan back down, Liam turned to me and said "Take care."

I too nodded. Umm... obediently.

He then turned around. I frowned.

What! No kisses for me?

After he was gone, I was sitting in my room and looking out of the window. The whole day went by watching movies. Well, after we got scared that day, and got all scolding from Liam, we dropped the idea of watching horror movies. Ryan said we'll watch horror movies when Liam is home. So, now we are watching Avengers. This boy has got a new addiction of Avengers. He said he is going to watch all the Avenger series. We have watched Captain America, Iron Man and Thor and now we are on Avengers. It's fun watching movies with Ryan, he always gets irritated when I give spoilers and I love that. It's almost 5 and Ryan is in his room still sleeping.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head, how about we go out maybe to the park. It's nearby and Liam is not coming anytime soon. Ryan would be able to enjoy for sometime.

Okay fine. But I think you should ask Liam first.

Are you crazy? If I ask him, he'll say no and my baby will not be able to have fun.

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