T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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Sidney slid into the kitchen shortly before the dinner rush, quickly making Phil a plate of Chicken Katsu Don before ushering him back upstairs to his posh hideout. She slipped her chef's coat on and did a quick check-in with the team before the kitchen did it's thing and took on a life of its own. Inventory was checked, schedules were adjusted, menus were tweaked and she did it all with ease. This was complete order. The only place where she felt like she performed with confidence. An effortlessness that she craved for the other parts of her life. She was becoming exhausted with the chaos of everything. The shit was exhausting and she tried to run away from it all. Really she did, but despite all her best intentions, she was thrown into muck over and over again.

"Sidney, can I see you for a second?" Sidney was not sure when her boss got arrived but there he was, behind her as she secured this week's schedule to a magnetic whiteboard. Nissan wore his purposefully disheveled look perfectly as usual.

"Sure." She smoothed the papers on the board and shoved her hands in the pocket of her coat to keep them from shaking. As she trailed behind she watched as he raked his hand over the back of his head like he always did when there was a serious matter at hand. What could she have possibly fucked up now? Through all her drama, she managed to never miss a shift. The restaurant had more five-star reviews than it ever had and she even handled a banquet for a Tech convention all on her own because Nissan was out of town. Yeah, the rest of her life was a shit show but she made sure to bust her ass at work. She needed this job and she didn't want Tomi to look bad because of anything she did.

Nissan bristled into his office and motioned for her to shut the door behind them. Every fiber in her being moved to protest but in the end, she swallowed her apprehension and shut the door. Nissan took a deep breath before launching into his speech.

"I'm sure you have noticed that I have not been around as much lately and for that, I do apologize. I've been working on a project. Seeing if some things are...possible. Now it seems they are so I thought this would be the best time to come to you."

Sid allowed her shoulders to lower a bit. Whatever it was, this did not sound like it was her fault. Her ears perked up. Yes, he had been gone a lot lately. Actually, that was something Sid enjoyed over the last few weeks. It made her feel like she had some true autonomy, and it allowed her space to work through all the recent curve balls she'd received without a boss breathing down her neck.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. Everything is great actually. I've been Ito's executive chef for six years now and I think it's time for me to start my own legacy. I'll be leaving Ito at the end of the quarter to start my own venture."

A pang started in her chest and radiated outward. Would she be out of a job again? Or forced to prove herself to some new hotshot chef? The weeks of confidence that she built with Nissan would be down the drain. What if the new Executive Chef was an asshole like Raymond? Sid's thoughts were spiraling. She tried to reel it in and focus on what Nissan was saying.

"I've worked with many Sous Chef's in my time and they all have been barely competent. Whatever it is, I think you have it and I don't want to leave that behind. I would like for you to join me."

Sid's breathing went fully erratic and she had to cling on to Nissan's desk in front of her. She really hated the way life constantly through her for a whirlwind. In less than twenty fours Phil had shown up out of nowhere, Aiden was threatening to take away her sweet little boy, and now she was being offered a chance to get in on the ground floor of a world-renowned chef's first restaurant venture.

Nissan pulled out a leather portfolio from a drawer in his desk and opened it before beckoning Sid closer. She approached on wobbly legs and leaned over the desk.

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