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That's what I want right? Is what I want? Of course that's what I freaking want

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That's what I want right? Is what I want? Of course that's what I freaking want. That's exactly why I was worried it had been two weeks since our last conversation. That's the reason why my heart almost flew out of my chest when I got the notification that murtuagh13 followed me on Instagram. That's why I couldn't sleep when I saw that video of him kissing me right in the middle of Westbrook court. That's why I picked up the phone and called him even though I could have ignored his message. I don't ever want to deal with Charlie Murtaugh again.

And I don't. Lord knows I don't want to deal with Charlie and the problems he brings. Although the past two weeks, my eyes couldn't help but search for him in stat class and everywhere I went, I managed to get a sense of normalcy in my life. It was only for a short period but he walked into my life and stressed me the hell out. My whole life, I have never been able to fight back. I never even stood up to my bullies. But Charlie pushes my button so hard that I just snap. I'm still deciding if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I've gotten so used to him pressing on about this fake relationship thing that I didn't expect him to suggest otherwise. I guess he's realised that he's never getting in my pants and has gotten tired of the chase which I suppose is a good thing for both of us. Only if I could just stop thinking so much about it.

"Can I tell you a secret?" My thoughts are cut off by the little girl sitting next to me. When Charlie asked me for a favour, I didn't think it'd be a human or that the human would be his niece. I didn't exactly peg him for the family type, he seems more like a lone ranger to me.

Apparently, she's been complaining about her belly hurting for sometime now so we're currently in the east wing of UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital which is actually on campus while Charlie's gone to do whatever it is he does. It more like him to flee from responsibility so I'm not surprised.

Mila has been awfully quiet since I met her at our apartment. After seeing how chummy she was with Shadé and Sammie, I couldn't help thinking she didn't take a liking to me. So I'm surprised that she's finally decided to talk to me. I angle my body so that I'm facing her. When kids want to tell you a "secret" it's usually a big deal.

"Yes." I reply, giving her an encouraging smile.

"You can't tell uncle Charlie."

"I won't." Not that Charlie and I even talk like that. She doesn't look like she believes me so I stick out my finger "pinkie promise?" Her face breaks into the sweetest smile as she entwines her little pinkie in mine. "What is the secret?" I smile, nudging her with my shoulder lightly.

Her face falls and she hangs her head. "My belly don't really hurt every-time." She admits aloud before looking up eagerly "It hurt one time. But that's because I had too much sweets before bed at Aunty Bronte's house and it stopped in the morning." Her face falls again as she continues "I just tell that to uncle Charlie."

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