Capítulo Dez: O Sono

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Gemma's POV:

Harley and Paige hurried away from me only moments later. Hours of exploration passed and then Zion not-so-kindly informed me that it was time I got to bed.

It was nine.

Who sends a kid to bed at nine? Especially a girl who was about to be thirteen.

"Can I come in?" Damian's voice echoed from outside my room. I wasn't sure how to respond, but I guess I took too long because Damian entered my room. I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing, hoping that if he saw me sleeping he would leave.

I needed to think through everything that had happened to me.

Preferably alone.

"Damian, get out of there." Tobias hissed. I guessed that I was a pretty good actress.

"If I leave she might be gone in the morning." Damian whispered, his hand brushing over my hair. A shiver passed down my spine and I hoped that no one noticed it. I heard a deep sigh and then a part of my bed sank down as someone sat down.

Then it happened again.

My guess was that Tobias and Damian were sitting on both sides of my head.

"I doubt that. She didn't disappear earlier today when she was alone." Tobias pointed out in a whisper. At least he wasn't mean enough to wake me up. Well, sort of wake me up seeing as how I was already awake.

"I know, I know." Damian snapped. Tobias shushed him swiftly, apparently afraid of waking me up.

"What are you two doing in here?" Sinclair asked. What was this? A family meeting in the sleeping girls' room?

"Is she asleep?" Zion joined the party. I wanted to roll my eyes but then my cover would be blown. I had the feeling that I was about to get some juicy information about something or another that had to do with my weird family.

"Pretty much dead to the world." Damian joked. I wanted to laugh at how wrong he was, but I bit my lips even harder to fight off the smug smirk that was begging to make an appearance.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks she looks exactly like mom." Zion whispered as he got closer. I could hear the padding of his feet on the carpeted area as he stepped closer. The soft thuds alerted me to someone standing, probably, at the foot of my bed.

Huh, I'd apparently be a good blind person.

"Oh, the resemblance is eerie." Sinclair said, sounding spooked. I hoped he wasn't the superstitious type who thought I was a reincarnation of his mom or something. Granted, none of the brothers seemed the superstitious type.

"Do you two want to explain what that was back at dinner?" Damian finally snapped, breaking the silence that had taken over the room for several long moments.

"Dinner from tonight or the dinner from last night?" Tobias asked cockily. I wasn't sure I wanted to hear this. It was obvious that I was the person who was going to be talked about the most and the heading of this conversation worried me.

"Last night. She's a weakness, an intruder, only here because she's blood but that doesn't make her family. That ringing any bells?" Damian snarled harshly. I could see what he looked like in my mind.

He probably looked like some feral dog with his lips curled back over his teeth. The image was frightening, even if it was only in my head.

I was going to pretend that Damian's words didn't hurt.

I would forever be branded as someone who doesn't belong.

That didn't feel like a knife being twisted in my gut.

"It's the only way to protect her from us." Tobias said coldly. I heard someone inhale sharply at his words.

Protect me? That's a great joke.

"And you think pushing her as far away as humanly possible is going to protect her? She has lived her whole life not knowing she had family, and now that she has us, half of us don't want her. She's terrified that you hate her." Damian whispered in a rushed fashion. An awkward silence settled over the room.

But why did Damian have to go and spill my secrets?

"She doesn't think that." Tobias denied, but he sounded unsure and confused. It would've almost been cute, except they were talking about me as I was sleeping. Kind of sleeping.

"She thinks if she makes one wrong move you're going to throw her out and into the streets. Someone who thinks they're loved and cherished doesn't think that." Damian sighed heavily, sounding tired.

The slamming of a door made me jump up. My eyes were wide open and I forced myself to breathe heavily, as if I had just been woken up. My brothers, minus Tobias, were standing in my room.

"Um, hi?" I said, giving them a tiny wave. They all looked at the ground sheepishly. They were so alike it was kind of scary.

"We were just checking on you." Damian stumbled over his words. I smiled fondly.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" I asked, noticing his worried expression. He nodded, shooting me a small smile. I knew that he was worried about Tobias. I was worried about Tobias too. That slamming door didn't bode well since Tobias didn't seem like the type to throw random tantrums.

"Fine. Go back to sleep. We'll leave." Damian said. I glanced up at the other two.

I knew I stood on stable ground with Damian. I wasn't sure what Sinclair thought about me. I knew that Zion wasn't a huge fan of my arrival.

And Tobias was... Complicated. To say the least.

"Okay. Come get me if you need me." I mumbled, snuggling under the covers with a yawn. Damian's hand ran over my hair once more before he left the room, Zion and Sinclair staying close to his heels.

It was like they were afraid to be in the same room as me for some reason. It wasn't like I would bite them.

I pushed myself deeper into the comfy mattress, smiling in contentment. I supposed that all that eavesdropping tired me out. I was almost completely asleep when I heard the door creak again. When were these people going to stop coming into my room when I was sleeping.

"I'm sorry, meu anjo. (My angel)." Tobias whispered. His hand ran down my hair in a petting fashion. I felt something warm and soft on my forehead, like a kiss, and then there was nothing. I sort of wished that I hadn't fallen asleep right there but at the same time, I was glad I did.

Or else I would've woken up to something else and not to utter chaos.

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