Chapter 9....

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Start of Something Good by Daughtry on the side!



Happy Reading :)

After we had finished eating and got the check, we made our way back to the car. I felt bad having Ashton pay, but after being firmly told that he had it, I backed off. I was now sitting inside the limo, driving to god knows where. Ashton sat quietly next to me, occasionally tapping away at his phone. I took this time to study him, to say he was good looking was an understatement. He was beyond gorgeous; his brown hair was in a messy but sexy style. His dark blue suit looked great on him; on anyone else it probably wouldn't have looked this great, but maybe I'm just biased. The suit jacket hugged his wide, muscular shoulders and incased what I knew to be strong arms. Don't get me started on the slacks that hugged his well-toned backside. There was something about a man in a suit that made a woman weak in the knees.

Ashton's well defined jaw clenched as he read something on his phone. I couldn't help but feel turned on by that. His fingers flew across his phone and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. The longer I stared at him, the more I wondered why he asked me out. Maybe out of pity? A voice thought in my mind. I wouldn't lie to myself that just the thought of that hurt, but before I could depress myself, I felt my phone buzz in my bag. Reaching in, I saw that I had a text from Kacey.

To: Layla

From: Kacey

How's your date going? Did you decide to skip lunch and go straight to desert?

I instantly felt my cheeks heat up. Only Kacey would think that.

To: Kacey

From: Layla

NO!!! Why would you think that?

Not even a second later, she replied. I could tell she was sitting by her phone waiting for my reply.

To: Layla

From: Kacey

What? He's hot. You should shag him before it's too late.

After reading her text I quickly turned off my phone, not bothering to reply. Of course Kacey would tell me to sleep with the most eligible bachelor in New York. After putting my phone away, I looked up as I felt the car coming to a stop. Glancing out the window, I didn't recognize where we were.

"Ashton, where are we?" I finally asked.

"Its a surprise." He said as his driver opened the door for us. I slide out and step to the side, waiting for Ashton to come out. I glanced around trying to figure out where we were, but had no luck. After Ashton thanked his driver, he put a hand on my lower back, sending warm tingling feelings run up and down my spine.

"Let's go." Was all he said, nudging me forward towards a big building.

As we walked towards the building I couldn't help but wonder where we are. After Ashton held the door open for me, I slid inside and glanced around. I instantly started to recognize where we were. Posters covered the wall of all different pictures of sea life and little kids ran around their parents with excitement evident on their cut little faces. Ashton had brought me to the aquarium. I have never been, but have always wanted to go. I turned to Ashton with wide eyes.

"The aquarium!" I said, my face forming into a smile.

"Yeah, I thought maybe you'd like it." Ashton mumbled out, rubbing the back of his neck. Seeing him look almost embarrassed I knew he didn't do this often.

Something Inside  (Published)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora