Chapter 22

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It'd been a little over a week and true to what Killer had assumed. You'd been thrown into training with the dosage of Epinephrine and Thyroxine either dropping or upped depending on how you did during each session. Laying sprawled on deck after your latest training session, you panted tiredly as Heat and Wire stood over you with varying claw marks covering their bodies. "Seems the drug has left her system." Wire said lowering his trident as he relaxed a bit. Crouching down to look over you Heat nodded. "Boss Kid said she left a pretty deep wound on Pete yesterday." Heat said putting out the singed embers on your shirt before picking you up. Loosey holding on to him you laid your head on his shoulder as Heat moved up to the helm where Kid and Killer were. "Hi papa, hi daddy." You greeted getting Killer to nod at you and a tick mark to appear on Kids forehead as he grunting. "Hi (Name) how was training?" Killer asked making you groan and fall back to hang upside down in Heats arm. "Don't give us that shit, give it ten minutes and you'll be back on your feet." Kid said as you pouted and flipped him off before Heat straightened you up and put you down. Matching your gesture Kid turning to the blond. "So how far out do you think we are from Black Beach?" He asked getting Killer to turn to him. "We'll be there within a few hours if the wind keeps up. And quit flipping (Name) off. Your teaching her something bad." He said making the scared redhead roll his eyes and sit you down on his knee when you walked over to him. "Screw it, she'll learn worst shit sooner or later." Kid said making the Massacre Soldier shake his head. Wrapping Kids hur coat partly over yourself, you looked up to Kid. "Can I go on the island?" You asked getting the captain of the ship to look down too you. "I ain't babysitting you. And I need Killer, Heat, and Wire with me for a negotiation. So if you want to go on the island find someone else to take you." Kid said pulling his coat away from you as he sat back in his seat. Ear twitching as you let his words sink in you grinned and hopped off his leg. "Okay! I'm going to find someone to take me!" You squealed bolting down the stairs to run to the kitchen. "Thorn! Thorn! Take me onto the island! Kid said i can go if i find someone to take me!'' You yelled running into the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter to almost eye level with the pleather wearing man. Turning to you as he was going through the cupboard. "What? Hell no I have to go to the market to pick up more food. I can't be stuck watching you. Maybe after im done" Thorn said making you pout as you jumped from the counter. "Okay, Ill ask Pete and Jacob then.'' You said pouting as your ears drooped slightly, moving to run out of the kitchen and to Pete and Jacobs shipwrite room. "Peeete! Daddy said I have to find someone to take me onto the island take me, please!'' You asked grabbing onto the bearded man's shirt to tug on. Looking down at you as Jacube swung down from the upper holding shelves. "Sorry Kitten, we have to pick up more paint, nails, and planks. Before we do anything fun on the island.'' Pete said as Jacub ruffled your hair. "We can take you after we get what we need. You'll just have to wait a few hours." He said making you pout and ears droop again. Growling abit you spun around to continue your search. Going around the ship for nearly an hour searching for someone to take you onto the island your ears and tail dragged behind you as you headed for the last person you wanted to ask. Going to Arvids infirmary, you peeked in on the ginger doctor as he was writing stuff down on a clipboard. Quietly going over to him you stared at him until he took notice of you. Glancing down at you before turning back to his clipboard. "What's wrong kitten, no one wants to take you onto the island?'' He asked as you poutingly headbutts his leg and nodded. Snickering as he continued to write. "Am I your last choice to ask?" Arvid asked as you again nodded and groaned out a long yes. Turning to look down at you. "Thats hurtful. Now lemme guess everyone else said you had to wait until there done with their errands? But you want to go as soon as you can, don't you?" Arvid asked making you look up hopefully. Humming as he dropped his clipboard on his desk to lift you up. "Your in luck kid. I'm pretty much overstocked on medical supplies. The island we picked you up on had some really nice shit and the other pirate ship was well enough stocked." Arvid said as your ears perked and your tail started to flick slightly. "Does that mean you can take me!?" You asked happily getting the fur wearing man to grin wickedly. "Yep, and I got a mission for you when we make land got it?" Arvid said making you quickly nod in excitement as he set you down. "Good, now then. Lets change you out of Killers old clothes and back into these." The ship's doctor said going over to his desk to pull out you old dress and underwear that were fixed and washed. Squealing you ran over to take your dress back. "It's not ripped any more!" You yelled happily spinning around and hugging the dress close. Shrugging as he watched you twirl around. Arvid easily slopped you by grabbing your head and turning you to him. "Yes, yes it's all fixed up. Now then let's get back to your little mission." He said with a rather long smile as he crouched down to your level.

Guess who got a new chromebook for Christmas? This girl! No more writing on my phone anymore! And shout out to SweetSoundingDevil for knowing what (Name)s shirt had written on it last chapter!

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