24. Cordelia is Confused

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I was momentarily in shock when I saw this boy's abs. Luckily, I think I was able to recover fairly quickly...maybe.

Jeez...this is so unfair.

How the heck does he have a six-pack when I've been training for five years without being able to get a two-pack...?!

"W-Wow..." I breathed out in a creepy pervert voice.

Technically, even though I have a mental age of about 25 years old, my body's age is about the same as his...so I'm allowed to react like this...right?!

It's not illegal...right?!

"H-How...?! This is so...just...wow," I muttered outloud by accident.

"I know..." the boy replied shortly after my comment.

Huh...I didn't know that this boy liked bragging about his abs so much...

"...the wound is bad," the boy continued.

Oh...he was talking about his wound...not his abs...


I almost forgot that he was on the brink of death...

"...Anyway...How did you get this burn?!" I asked him, finally becoming worried about his condition.


He didn't answer my question. In fact, he completely ignored me.

"Alright...let me start treating you. It might hurt a little, but it probably wouldn't be any worse than what you feel right now," I warned him.

The boy just nodded his head. The hood and mask covering his face made it difficult for me to see what expression he was making.

...I wonder what he looks like. Since his face is covered, I can't figure out who he is...

Maybe I'll ask him to take off his mask and hood later...I need to treat him right now though.

Using my water magic, I rinsed his wound and, later, gently dried it using a soft towel that I created from my creation magic.

I cautiously dabbed the towel on his wound to get rid of any water or excess blood and carefully applied an antibiotic. I needed to make sure that he wouldn't get an infection later on.

The boy stiffened as I added the antibiotic onto his wound. I'm sure it probably stung a little.

"Just hang in there," I commanded him.

"..." the boy remained silent.

"I'm going to add something that will relieve your burn next, okay?"

Using my creation magic and the library in my head, I created a type of burn relief and gently rubbed it onto his burn. 

While I was doing so, I may have accidentally grazed over his abs...multiple times. 

...I think that I've become a pervert. Wahhhh...my poor innocence that never existed has died...!

After I finished rubbing the burn medicine onto him, the boy began to relax a little.

"Alright. Can you sit up for me?" I asked him as kindly as I could.

The boy complied and slowly got himself off of the ground.

Using my creation magic again, I created a roll of bandages and some cloth. I first used the cloth to cover the wound and then used the bandages to wrap around his body.

When I finished, the boy moved his shirt down properly and turned to look at me.

"Thanks," he said curtly.

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