Chapter Twenty-Four

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I had a few seconds to brace myself after shutting Dylan’s front door before I was attacked by a small screaming child. Sophie launched herself into my arms and hugged me.

“Hey,” I replied, hugging her back. I looked over at Dylan who was stood with his arms wearing a look of mock confusion.

“Hi Dylan, favourite big brother, nice to see you.” Sophie looked over at him and frowned. “Oh hi Sophie, nice to see you too.”

She blew her tongue out at him and I put her down. “I see you all the time,” said Sophie before skipping down the hall. I laughed at Dylan and shrugged, and followed him into the kitchen.

“Mark phoned and asked me to come in earlier, so I’ve made steak pie which is in the oven which you can have with whatever you want. I should be home around five in the morning, and please don’t let Sophie stay up late.”

“Sure thing,” said Dylan. She kissed Sophie’s head before dashing out the door.

I sat at the table with Sophie while watching Dylan make the rest of dinner. There was something enchanting about watching him concentrate; I’ve never seen him paint or play the guitar yet, but I could imagine him with the same concentrating look on his face that he had when he cooked.

We sat and ate while Sophie told us all about her week at her grandmothers; how they made cupcakes and cookies, what she got when they went shopping and how their grandmother was convinced that she was being haunted.

After dinner I sat on the couch with Sophie on my knee and we watched Frozen while Dylan cleared up by himself after refusing my help.

Sophie sang along and got up to dance every time a song came on, and we shared a similar dislike for Prince Hans.

“You can tell he’s dodgy because of his hair,” said Sophie.


“His hair,” she said, pointing at the screen. “Nobody’s hair looks like that.”

Dylan joined us and slumped down on the couch next to me, leaning against my shoulder.

“Has she ranted about Prince Hans yet?” he asked. I nodded.

“The hair makes him dodgy.”

Dylan chuckled and took hold of my hand. When the film ended Sophie got into her pyjamas and Dylan went to put her to bed. He came back five minutes later and joined me on the couch while I flicked through the channels.

“I have those stupid songs stuck in my head,” moaned Dylan.

I started humming Let It Go and he shoved me. I shoved him back, still humming.

“Dude, stop it”

“Make me,” I said, and he did.

He took my face in both of his hands and kissed me. His lips moved against mine, slowly, with delicate purpose. I opened up to him, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. Again, Dylan’s tongue stroked mine with gentle passion, a slow, sweet torture. I let my hands rub and down his thighs as his fingers tangled in my hair. My hands travelled upwards to his hips, and I pulled him against me-


Dylan and I broke away quickly and turned to face the door. Sophie was stood there in her pyjamas pointing at us, a manic smile on her face that could only remind me of Sally.

“Sophie!” exclaimed Dylan. “I thought you were a sleep?”

Sophie ignored him and started singing.

“Alec and Dylan up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-“

Dylan groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. I wanted to laugh.

“-first come love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a golden carriage.”

Okay, this time I did laugh and Dylan looked up at me in disbelief, a smile spreading across his face.

“Wait, can boys have babies?”

“Sophie,” Dylan said, throwing a pillow at her. “Go to bed please.”

“Okay, okay. Goodnight Dylan. Goodnight Dylan’s boyfriend,” she said, laughing away to herself as she left the living room.

Dylan groaned again and collapsed sideways onto my lap.

“Mum is going to kill me,” he said, his voice smothered by my leg. I weave my finger through his hair, making it stick up all over the place.

“I guess you won’t need to worry about telling her now,” I offered.

“Let just hope Sophie doesn’t tell her some elaborate made up story, she has a habit for doing that.”

I chuckled and continued stroking Dylan’s hair. We sat like that for a while, watching TV with me stroking Dylan’s hair. When the last show ended Dylan got up and lead me through to his room, and we both stripped down to our boxers and climbed into his bed.


I woke the next morning feeling way too warm and sweaty, and realised it was because Dylan was sprawled on top of me. And I mean he was literally on top of me. And he wasn’t exactly light.

I shifted a little so his weight wasn’t directly on top of me and checked the time on my phone. It was eight thirty. I looked down at Dylan whose face was mashed against my chest and his arm and led were flung over me. Dylan also deserved the award for best bed head.

There was a quite knock on Dylan’s door before it began to slowly open. Sophie popped her head through the gap.

“Hey,” I said quietly, trying not to disturb Dylan.

“Hi, can you please come make breakfast?” asked Sophie quietly, eyeing up Dylan.

“Sure, just give me a minute.”

“Okay,” smiled Sophie before she gently shut the door.

I somehow untangled myself from Dylan without waking him and quickly dressed in a t shirt and drawstring shorts before quietly leaving the bedroom. Sophie was sat in the living room watching the TV on low volume and she got up and followed be into the kitchen when she saw me pass by.

“What do you want for breakfast?” I asked her, although I kind of already knew the answer.


“Pancakes coming right up!”

Together Sophie and I managed to make up some pancake mix and in fifteen minutes breakfast was nearly ready. I was just plating up the last pancake when Dylan walked in. I nearly dropped the pancake.

Dylan is gorgeous all the time, but sleepy, topless Dylan in boxers is one thing I will never get tired of seeing. He stopped and wiped his eye when he saw us.

“You made pancakes?”

“I sure did!”

“And they are surprisingly really good,” added Sophie. I gave her a look and she shrugged.

Dylan chuckled and sat down with us while we all ate pancakes. I told Dylan I wanted to hurry home just to see what kind of mood my mum was in, so he said if I could wait half an hour he would drop me off, he just had to take Sophie with him.

The ride over to my place was filled with twenty questions from Sophie about me and my family, did we live in a house excreta... I said goodbye to Dylan and said I’d see him sometime next week, and I promised Sophie I’d come over and see her too before heading into my house.

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