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This part is stories I read on wattpad, not all of them is original from wattpad.

Rate for Wattpad Storied:

5 -> Read it more than 3 times or will never forget it but still read it again.

4 -> Like the stories plot, reread it after a long time

3 -> Standard plot or feel a little lacking in language and the stories flow

2 -> Most common stories in wattpad that seem a rush plot or there's no plot, shallow characters (please don't get offended, I still think the author is great just lacking compared to the pro)

Ruyi by Ha Rui(rate 5/5)

Cried a river every time I read this. Ruyi was poisoned by her own mother since childhood, then she was married to a prince who didn't care for her at first. Ruyi is so pure and didn't have any greed, she already give up her life and didn't want anything. When the prince found out that she was poisoned and she's a pure person, he love and pampered her. He bring her back to his country. His family object his marriage and demand him to divorce her, but he didn't care threaten to rebel. Ruyi got pregnant and the prince afraid she won't survive childbirth since she's so weak after got poisoned for years, he tried to abort the baby but Ruyi stubbornly denied. Her first wish is to have her child even though she know she won't survive. She tried to make the emperor support her child so he won't be bullied after she died. She got poisoned again by the prince's childhood friend who love him. She gave birth early, her hair become white, her child become blind. At the end all his family accepted her and the villain are dead. One thing that I got disappointed is how all the villain got easy death and the empress didn't get her retribution.

One Night, One Day, One Year, One Lifetime (rate 5/5)

It's not wattpad story but I read on wattpad. Big tragedy alert! Don't read it in the middle of night or after you have a breakup, I cried the whole story and the next morning I got swollen eyes that shocked my mom LOL. After reading it I think both MC and ML is a psycho, I kinda envy them a little that they can have that much emotion that affect their whole life. But I also hope I never become like them since I want a happy end :D.

He Yujin loved Gao Fei way too much, she forced Gao Fei to marry her with her father influence, making Gao Fei's father crippled in an accident (If I remembered it correctly). Gao Fei already have his own lover but because of He Yujin he can't marry his lover. After losing her father, He Yujin found out she got a cancer and will die in 3 months. When Gao Fei want to divorce her, she beg Gao Fei to give her his time for 3 months. He Yujin tried everything to please Gao Fei and she always said she love Gao Fei every time Gao Fei lash out his anger. When Gao Fei found out that He Yujin is sick and has limited time he take care of her carefully. Until He Yujin died, Gao Fei denied his feeling and said he'll never love her and everything will go back to perfection like before he met He Yujin. Gao Fei married his lover, and have his happy moments without remembering He Yujin. Until his wife found out that he's sleepwalking and worried that's something wrong with him. He got mad and said that he's fine and not a sick man. He divorced his wife and when he got into an accident and dying, he felt he already fulfill He Yujin's wish to live happily and he miss He Yujin.

Come and Eat Shan Shan (rate 4/5)

Actually this is not wattpad story but a translation novel that I read it on wattpad. Shan Shan got accepted to a big company, someday she got called from her big boss and was sent to a hospital. He command her to donor her blood for his sister-in-law. It turns out she got accepted to the company because of her rare blood who has the same as big boss' sister in law. From then on, the boss giving her a liver lunch everyday to replenish her blood. She got fed up and happy when she heard her boss go out of town for business. After that her boss always command her to eat her lunch in his office everyday, and they end up together. A peaceful story that warm my heart. It's typical of Gu Man who write A Slight Smile is Very Charming. It has similarity, the man fall in love first, the woman still clueless when suddenly they date each other. There's bonus chapter about the 4 protagonist met each other because ML in ASSVC is business partner with ML in CESS.

He Ying Sheng Xiao Mo/ Silent Separation (rate 4/5)

I forgot how the story goes. I only remember it's still Gu Man style, peaceful story. So here's the synopsis:

A young love leads to a lifetime of entanglements. Zhao Mo Sheng is a university student with a sunny disposition. The bright and cheerful Mo Sheng fell in love at first sight with He Yi Chen, one of the top students from the Law Faculty. However, his poor communication skill, makes her depart sadly for overseas. Seven years later, Zhao Mo Sheng returned home and spotted him immediately in a crowded supermarket, ....... This is a very short and sweet story about two college sweethearts, who separated on a bitter note but fate tosses them together again seven years later.

The Villainess's Dark Side by G_adeline(rate 4/5)

She's a prime minister daughter and a beauty in capital, no one dared to propose to her since everyone knew she's destined to marry second prince even though there's no engagement. After she turn 18 turns out the emperor married second prince to other woman who said is the FL and a transmigrated person. She's furious and plot the second male lead thinking they should get together since both of them have a broken heart. I cried when reading this novel, good writing in explaining her emotion.

Rebirth of Fa Wei Lan by Ha Rui(rate 4/5)

I love every stories by HaRui, they just make me want to keep reading. Fa Wei Lan got rebirth and choose different path for her life to avoid her misfortune. When she met someone she loved, she's conflicted because she felt she robbed someone else fate. She make him wait until he met his past lifetime lover, if he choose his own lover, Fa Wei Lan will let him go. Turns out he still choose her and ignore the other woman (that's good since she's a bitch anyway).

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