30. The Struggle Is Real You Idiot

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A/n I'm so sorry it has taken over a month to update! I have picked up a lot of work and start back at uni in two weeks (so I will most likely be using this story as a means of procrastination, so I should have more regular updates.)

Thank you for all your support!


Archer Daniels POV

All I remember was being hit over the head when I was relaxing on the couch. 

Ethan was taking too long, and then something hard hit me over the head.

My vision was blurry as I rolled to my side and saw Kyle's men hovering over me 

"We are under attack!" i yell as i touch the ear piece in my ear attempting to get in contact with the guys to warn them.

"We-" i was yanked up off the ground by one of the guys, before being punched in the gut "ugh- Kyle's Guys have" another punch "-oof -gotten in - need to warn the othe-ugh-" another punch to the face as someone bashed something over my head.



Everything hurt, i couldn't move, I weakly opened my eyes and groaned at the pain my body was in. Raising my head and blinking, I took in my surroundings - a dark musty cold room. my eyes traveled around the room.

"Ugh- Fucking Slater-" I turned my head to the side and saw Ethan with his hands tied above his head and attached to the ceiling. Another groan escaped me and Ethan turned to face me.

"Hey Arch, are you okay? They Dragged you in here pretty roughly..." Ethan trailed off. His eyes continued to open and close, like he was attempting to blink away the fuzziness and the headache I'm sure we both had.

My head was fuzzy and logic seemed to not exist at the moment. A pounding in the back of my head seemed to keep a rhythm with my throbbing limbs which I now realised were hoisted above my head and attached to the ceiling too.

"What the fuck happened?" I ask as I threw my head back and looked up to the damp ceiling, it looked like we were in the basement of a warehouse - where exactly I had no idea.

"I don't kno-" Ethan cut himself off when we heard grunting and groaning coming from the side of us. We both turned our heads as the squeaky door swung open.

"Mhphmm" three guys dragged Drew into the small damp space with us. Drew was gagged and squirmed in their grip, but he was slower than he normally would be, upon closer inspection I saw a gash above his left eyebrow as blood seeped from it, he was also not so steady on his feet, they probably ambushed him similar to what had happened to us back at HQ.

But where was Cassidy?

They shoved him to the ground on his stomach and tied his ankles together and attached his wrists to his ankles.

He was the most dangerous of all of us and from the look I saw he had, he was angry, and an angry Drew was a Scary Drew.

My eyes drifted over to the door as Kyle walked in, followed by a sluty Aspen trailing behind.

"Boys, so great to see you" Kyle says chuckling. He walked over to me and stood in front of me before he opened his mouth.

"So, I figured that you can all rest, I know Leon works you all too hard, and he can get the necklace and we can trade it and Cassidy for your lives, how does that sound?" He asks looking at me.

"Mrrphmm" was Drew's half growled response.

"Like Leon's going to fall for that, you'll kill us as soon as you get it. And like fucking hell would he even think about giving Cass to yo-" Ethan laughs. "-ugh-" The guy near him had thrown a punch to his gut.

"Shut him up Slater" Kyle says and the guy proceeded to shove a rag in his mouth.

"You and I both know that Leon isn't going to give you the necklace or Cassidy, and you shouldn't even be seen as the second best crew, if you're threatening us and making Leon do your dirty work" I say.

Kyle's face contorted into one of anger, and me - being me - making things worse by spitting in his face.

"You disgusting prick! Gag him too!" He yelled.

"Mrrphmm!" I groaned as I struggled against the chains attaching me to the roof.

*Ring Ring* a phone made itself known, as Kyle stood in front of me with a  with a smirk.

"Oh, would you look at that, right on time" he chuckled.

"Hello?-" Kyle answered in a sing-song voice. "-oh Leon! To what do I owe the pleasure..." He laughs as he then proceeded to turn the call onto speaker.

"Leomrmhh" I attempted to yell.

"Kyle I swear to god, if you touch any of of them-" Leon hissed.

"Now now, you have no say in this, the deal with be, you steal the necklace and give us Cassidy and you get the boys back.-" He emphasized.

"-If not, I kill them and find a way to get the necklace and the girl, and you better decide soon, Drew is looking a bit worse for ware." As if on cue Drew let out a low groan of pain.

There was a long pause before a angry and disgruntled sigh.

"Fine." Leon grunted.

Drew's head shot up and he groaned against his restraints "mrmmphh!"

"There's a good boy" Kyle chuckled.

Ethan and I protested against his agreement. We all know how much Leon hated Kyle. - he was one of the reasons for Lucy's death.

So in the back of my mind, I just assumed that this was a way for him and Cassidy to regroup and find a way to get us out.

"You get the necklace and capture the girl, you call me on this number again and I'll arrange whee the drip will take place." Kyle then proceeded to hang up. He turned on his heel and began walking toward the door.

Pausing, "and you were right about one thing boys, like you were ever going to get out of this alive." He laughed as he left the room and locked the door behind him.

My head was pounding but a final thought came to my head just as I was about to pass out again.

Where the hell was Grant?

A/n hello! Again I am so sorry for taking over a month for an update, but as I said, I'm starting at uni again next week and this means that my Wattpad writing will become a means of procrastination so that's good for you guys, probably not for me.

Thank you! And I hope to update next week very soon.


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