Chapter 3

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I hadn't known I had fallen asleep until I woke up on a hard, cold floor of the basement my kidnappers had put me in. I started to push myself up into a sitting position, gasping in pain as I moved my ankle.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" A voice echoed off the walls of the basement. I looked around for the source, my eyes coming to rest on the brown-haired boy.

My eyes widened, unsure of how to respond. I was fearful of my actions, knowing anything I did could earn me a kick in the gut. I didn't understand anything that was going on, but I knew which of the boys to fear most.

After a few minutes of silence, I looked away from him and down at my ankle. I had lost most of the feeling in it, which worried me. My pant leg had been rolled up to the knee so as to not get in the way of the heap of ice that covering my ankle. It was poorly wrapped together with a towel, most of it fallen out onto the floor.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly, but carefully, pulled myself up and into a sitting position. Pain stabbed through my ankle the whole way, casing me to groan in pain. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, the brown-haired boy rolling his eyes at me. I wanted to shot something at him, but thought better of it.

I was already in enough pain as it was.

"You better be grateful you little bitch" He snapped at me "Clayton spent a good hour trying to get all that ice together once you'd passed out."

I nodded, letting him know I heard.

He grunted, changing positions from his spot on the opposite wall of mine. I lowered my eyes to the floor, wishing I could just blend into the wall and never be seen again.

It was silent. I wished I had never woken up; that I could go back to sleep and have all of this be over. I was confused, tired, afraid, and a little hungry.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, my stomach grumbled loudly through the room. I closed my eyes, rubbing my stomach from the pain that it brought with it. It felt like I hadn't eaten in days.

"Oh shut up" He snapped "You're lucky we even took you in. We could have just left you out there for someone else to find. Now knock it off"

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"What did you say to me?" He said louder.

"I'm s-sorry" I stuttered, only getting a little louder than my whisper from before.

"That's what I thought"

That's what I said I thought to myself. I didn't dare say it for fear of whatever happened next. This boy truly scared me to death. I questioned the point of living.

We didn't speak again for a long time. It felt like hours to me. I had no idea what time it really was, and honestly I didn't care. I just wanted to go home.

My stomach continued to growl painfully, each time slightly worse than the last one. I knew I had no food inside of me, but the boy refused to get me anything to eat. I tried not to make any noise, but I couldn't hold back the gasps of pain from my ankle. I had never felt such pain in my life before and it scared me.

Finally, a light flooded into the room, followed by footsteps. The light closed off, sealing us back into the darkness. The brown-haired boy got up and walked over to the stairs where someone was coming down.

"About damn time you got here dude" I heard the brown-haired boy mutter

"Sorry, man. You wanted me to get you a pizza didn't you?" I recognized the other voice as the one belonging to the black-haired boy.

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