90 Day Beauty Calendar

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While a thorough beauty regime is no substitute for feeling positive about your self-image, if you think your existing routine needs some tweaking, then this is the 90-day ultimate guide to keep you glowing! 

Day 1

- Keep weeknights alcohol free, enjoy herbal tea instead

- For those of you who smoke, consider switching to an electronic cigarette or the nicotine patch

- Give your body a boost with nutrient-rich superfoods


- Try infused water for added flavor and nutrients

- Cleanse face. Try oil cleaning for a 100% natural method that doesn't dry out the skin

- Moisturize within three minutes of washing to keep skin hydrated

- 6 to 9 hours of sleep a night

- Have some relaxation time

- Brush and floss

- Shower

- Lemon water before bed

- A smoothie with breakfast can be a great way to get your daily doses of vitamins a, c, e, and k to maintain your skin. Try to make your own by using a mixture of green vegetables such as kale and spinach, an avocado and half a banana (more recipes in the DIY chapter)

- For an extra boost, try taking a skin, hair and nail supplement


- Shampoo/condition hair x2 ~ try cutting back on washing your hair so it can restore its natural oils and nutrients. For an eco-friendly routine, try a DIY shampoo and conditioner (recipes in the DIY chapter)

- Treat your skin to a homemade facemask (recipes in the DIY chapter)

- Trim and moisturize your nails ~ never cut your cuticles, instead use a cuticle pen  

- Intense cardio x3

- Remove/redo nail polish

- Use coconut oil as a hair mask to condition and moisturize your locks 

- Sugar scrub yourself down (recipes in the DIY chapter)

- Resistance/strength training x3

- Light yoga on rest days

- Save the indulgent flavored lattes for a once-a-week treat, and enjoy a green tea instead


- Eyebrow maintenance ~ make time for your bimonthly threading or waxing session or, if you're up to it, do it yourself

- Manicure/pedicure

- Apply a hot oil hair treatment to help reconstruct damaged and split hairs

- Of course, hair removal is a personal preference and not something that should feel obligatory. If it's already part of your routine, then this is usually the best time to do it (depending on hair color) 

Monthly (30 days)

- Dye/re-dye hair

- Body wrap

- Trim hair/fringe

- Waxing

Day 90

Congratulations! You've made it to the end.

It's important to remember though that, while a good beauty routine can enhance the way you look and feel, beauty is a matter of perspective and self-confidence that comes from feeling content and centered within. 

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Information from https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/708191110125134489/ OR https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ba/1f/3c/ba1f3cffe5b3eadf44051fe58e827d9d.jpghttp://www.dailyuw.com/wellness/article_f196ad68-35e8-11e7-9641-8317dc5acf63.html

Picture from http://www.art-spire.com/illustration/nsfw-minimalist-erotic-illustrations-by-ionut-vancea/ 

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