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3: White, Rich, & Beautiful(白富美)

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Word of the day: bái fù měi (白富美)

Literal translation: White, rich, beautiful

Definition: Three words that describe the ideal Chinese woman.

Other relevant terms: gāo fù shuài (高富帅) - tall, rich, and handsome - describes the qualities of an ideal Chinese man.


 "Zi'an, bro! How was your date?"

Zi'an looked up from his computer screen to see Gao Jisen swaggering towards him. Jisen was making a show of removing his branded sunglasses from his eyes. After a quick shake of his fashionably cut hair, he tucked his shades into the front pocket of his blue button-down shirt. Having been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Jisen acted like he owned the world. The only thing that saved him from being a complete ass was his exceedingly sunny disposition. It was impossible to get mad at someone who exuded pure joy. 

"It was all right," Zi'an replied.

Jisen grabbed a nearby swivel chair and dragged it next to where his friend sat. "You gotta tell me more details, bro! I'm having dinner with my family this evening, and you know my sister will nag me about this."

"Stop letting your sister bully you." 

"You don't understand because you're fortunate enough to be an only child. It's not that I'm letting her. I have no choice." 

"It's not that I'm fortunate. My parents didn't have the money to pay the fine for an extra child."

"Trust me. You wouldn't want an older sister. She'll use that fact all your life to make you do her bidding. So help a friend out, will you? Tell me about your date?"


"Come on!" Jisen put an arm around Zi'an shoulders. 

Zi'an shrugged it off and pushed him away. 

"Okay, okay, tell me this, at least. Is there going to be a second date?"

Grabbing the mouse, Zi'an went back to the design he was working on and continued making adjustments. 

"For goodness sake, it's Sunday! What crazy person works on a Sunday?" 

"Someone who needs money, obviously," Zi'an replied.

"Okay, fair, but even hardworking people like you need to eat, right? How about I treat you to lunch?"

Zi'an considered the offer. "All right, deal!"

"Oh thank goodness," Jisen said, getting up. "I knew you won't be able to refuse a free meal." 

"It's because food tastes better when it's free."

Grabbing his backpack, Zi'an followed his friend out of the office. By mutual agreement, they walked towards a fried dumplings shop a good kilometer away. Because it was the weekend, the shop was buzzing with activity.  The din of a gazillion simultaneous conversations hit them as soon as they entered. Luckily, they managed to find an empty table next to the wall, which offered a view of the street beyond.

"Want the usual?" Jisen asked.

"Yeah, with bottled water."

"Okay. Be right back."

While his friend made his way to the counter to order their meal, Zi'an propped his head against his hand and stared outside. It's not that he didn't want to talk about Wang Yiwen. There was just nothing to talk about. That date was a failure. End of story. 

Love in a Shanghai SummerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz