Chapter Ten

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My eyes flew open and I immediately started thrashing but I wasn't terribly worried at first because I assumed that this was Matteo and one of his twisted training scenarios. But when I was smacked roughly upside the head, I saw that Matteo was still in bed only just beginning to stir.

How had this man gotten in without Matteo hearing? Certainly his supernatural senses would have detected an intruder...unless his wolf senses were not working to the fullest of their abilities.

I was yanked out of the bed and for a brief second, the intruder's hand slipped and I was able to let out a scream. I did something that surprised myself, I called out for Matteo.

He was up in a flash, Matteo appeared as confused as I was about how all of this came to be. Matteo moved to cross the room but suddenly there was a cold metal piece being pressed against my throat causing him to immediately stop in his tracks.

"I had my suspicions in the clearing, you did a good job at masking her scent but a human, really?"

I tried to jerk around to see who was gripping me the the metal only dug further into my neck, I winced as I felt a tiny trickle of blood roll down the side of my neck.

Matteo looked completely relaxed, there wasn't a sign of anger or concern anywhere to be seen on his features; nor did he make any move to correct Jack on his assumptions about me. This was the one time I actually needed Matteo to be angry, to do something and he just stood there casually. "Let her go, Jack."

Alpha Jack? His voice coldly resounded in a shrill laugh, "You don't get to trespass on my land and then undermine me in front of a member of my pack, that's just not how things work. You understand?"

I recalled Matteo's words from when Amias first alerted him about the situation.  

They don't just let people go.

"I just find it rather humorous, the legendary Alpha of Malice getting stuck with a defenseless human for a mate. It's the ultimate embarrassment for someone like you, no wonder you've done such a diligent job keeping her under wraps." Jack dragged the tip of the knife up the length of my throat, tracing my jawline.

I was doing my best to stay cool and not let on how truly scared I actually was but when I felt the knife graze my cheek I couldn't help the strangled sob escape my lips. "Matteo, please." I whispered helplessly because right then in the dingy motel room, he was all I had.

"Hurting her isn't going to restore your pride, we both know that. Why not just let her go and we can settle this between each other, that's what this is all about in the end really." Matteo ignored the fact that Alpha Jack was holding me at knife point and resumed a slow advance towards us.

Jack gripped me tighter seeing Matteo come closer and closer with every step. "Don't you think I know that? But if it means I get to watch you suffer for even a split second, it will have been worth it."

Matteo hesitated for a moment, looking over at me for a split second before he shrugged his shoulders. I had the sinking suspicion that this wasn't all about what had taken place earlier, there was something else going on. "She's just a human like you said, her pain means nothing to me. Go ahead, make me suffer."

That was it. Alpha Jack finally had enough with Matteo's little games, he dropped the knife and threw me aside. I landed hard on my side against the hard floor of the motel room, my ribs taking the majority of the blow. In seconds both Matteo and Jack were shifted into their wolves and snarling wildly at one another. Jack's wolf was a glistening, pure white coloring with those same piercing blue eyes while Matteo's pelt was a deep brown hue.

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