chapter 17; bane

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Just as promised, the tea had cured him of his sore throat. His lungs still ached from coughing and Jaylin was sure there was much to come, but after only a few hours of rest, he had recovered tenfold.

The texts and calls from his mother were like rapid fire, but Jaylin had been avoiding her for good reason. Her body wouldn't wage war well on something like this. Instead, he'd stay the night at Tisper's place, and first thing in the morning, Jaylin would dress himself and take the first bus to Eduardo's house. But as he laid in Tisper's bed, waiting for the moon to parade itself through the clouds, Jaylin couldn't find sleep. No matter how tired he felt, no matter how drowsy the cold medicine made him—Jaylin just couldn't sleep.

He flashed on his cell phone, noted the time under the splintered glass and clicked the shattered screen off again. It was just after midnight. Three hours, he'd been fighting for sleep. But all this time anxiety had become a palpable beast in his chest. Going to Eduardo's place alone.... A week ago, he wouldn't have thought twice.

But if by chance a fragment of what Quentin had said was true. If by chance Eduardo was dangerous...Well, whatever the case, Jaylin didn't feel much like going it alone.

When he couldn't take much more unease, he flung the blankets from his body and hoisted himself from the bed, tiptoeing through the living room, past the couch where Tisper had fallen asleep with only a single line written on her essay, and to the front door to gather his things.

Busses weren't running this late at night, and Jaylin had to spare a twenty for the drive over, but once he'd arrived at the Sigvard mansion, there was a feeling that settled the unrest in him. A strange security, like finding warmth after days in the cold.

He knocked twice, ready to turn away in disappointment when no one answered. But as Jaylin was retreating down the steps, the front door swung open.

"Ah, you." Felix was leaning against the frame, his face lined with sleep. He wore nothing but a pair of shorts, and again Jaylin tried his best not to linger on the web of scars racking his chest. "What?" Felix asked.

"I need to talk to Quentin."

"Not here."

"Where is he?"

"Don't know," Felix said.

Jaylin took in a breath of cool air and pushed it out again. "Let me talk to Flora."

Something about that seemed to pique at Felix. His brows flexed and he raised his chin to Jaylin as he strolled out, barefoot onto the porch. "And why do ye' so suddenly seek the white wolf?"

"I need to know..." Jaylin couldn't look him in the eye. There was something too hard about Felix's stark green gaze. "I need to know about Eduardo."

"Well, the broad's not here, either. They took off with'r yesterday"

"Who took her?" Jaylin asked. "And where?"

"Even if I told you," Felix said, "you wouldn't know who was who and where was where."

Jaylin's head ached. He rubbed aggressively at his temples. "I'm taking his advice, okay? I'm getting rid of Eduardo. But I need Quentin to..."

"To what? What did you expect the lad to do?" Felix crossed his broad arms, and the scars that marked them—some looked far too much like bite marks.

"No—I don't know. I just—"

"Ye' want proof." Felix curled forward some to look Jaylin in the eye. The moon leapt into those greens like emerald stones. "Proof that this Ed guy's a rotten egg? Proof that everything we've been telling ye's true?"

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