Chapter Five

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Lily looked away first. Croft's eyes were a piercing blue, a bright sky after a severe storm. He held too many things in those eyes - like accusation and doubt.

The doubt she understood. How could she have defeated those rogues if she didn't know what she was? The accusatory glare however made her jaw clench. She had nothing against werewolves, but the bags under Croft's sky blue eyes made her reconsider her foul retort. 

"How is she?" Lily whispered, swallowing her fear but her stomach was still churning.

Croft raised an eyebrow, still staring at her while she looked at her notebook. She was trying to listen to Mr Booth's lecture, but her mind was on the werewolf next to her. 

"She's fine, alive..." Croft didn't need to say the other half of that sentence. Thanks to you.

Lily fiddled with her pen. "I'm glad she's okay."

Croft nodded. "So is the pack, mainly her brother."

Alpha Andrew. Lily's stomach was a whirlpool of anxiety. "How... How is the Alpha?"

"He has a lot of questions."

Lily wet her lips, staring briefly at Croft. He hadn't looked away yet. "He's not the only one." 

He ran his hands through his damp hair and adjusted the white shirt slightly sticking to his slender frame. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" He whispered, jumping straight to the point. 

Lily almost choked. "I..." She looked around the room. Who knew who was listening? Was Isaac waiting with a nasty joke, or Jack with magic still wrapped around her hand? 

Croft frowned as Lily hesitated. "There's a lot of people." She admitted, scribbling some small notes as Mr Booth kept talking - no doubt assuming their hushed chatter was because she was catching him up on the lesson. 


"I don't want them to know, Croft." Lily whispered so quietly she barely heard herself, but he seemed to hear what he needed. 

"Know what?"

"Anything." Lily held his gaze. "I don't want them to know anything." 

Croft narrowed his eyes but held his tongue. "Okay, you know where the packhouse is? How to get there?" 

"No, why would I?" Lily raised an eyebrow.

His cheeks suddenly flushed. "Right, um, are you doing anything this afternoon?" 

Lily drew back, looking at the weather outside. "I have to check with my aunt before I do anything, I'll tell you tomorrow."

Croft nodded, shifting in his seat, before he stared at the front. He seemed genuinely interested in whatever Mr Booth was talking about, practically writing everything he said down. Lily caught herself surprised that he wasn't the stereotypical popular guy that bypassed school completely, and was academic in his own right.

Before Lily knew it, the low-pitched bell sounded. She picked up her stuff from under her chair, subtly taking her waterproof jacket as well. Croft motioned to her jacket. 

"If you didn't want anyone to know, then why did you help her?" He asked. 

Lily glared at him. "Would you have walked away if someone needed help?" 

Croft gathered his stuff, pondering her question for a moment, but left the class without answering. The werewolves seemed to quickly follow him out, desperate to chat to him about their alpha and the rogues who attacked the pack. 

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