Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]

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As the days slipped by, the weight of my indecision hung heavy upon me like a suffocating blanket. What had started as a fleeting promise to "sleep on it" had stretched into a seemingly endless cycle of avoidance and uncertainty.

Thursday arrived with a bitter taste upon my tongue, a reminder of the tutoring sessions that awaited me, and the inevitable confrontation with Victoria. I couldn't help but resent the timing, wishing fervently for a different day of the week to bear the burden of our shared discomfort.

Avoidance became my default mode, a shield against the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf me. I skirted around Victoria's attempts at conversation, slipping out of lectures before she could corner me with her apologies and explanations.

Even at the cafe, I found solace in the presence of others, enlisting Ethan to act as a buffer between us, unwilling to subject myself to the discomfort of our shared space. I could feel her frustration simmering beneath the surface, a silent testament to the rift that had grown between us in the wake of our indiscretion.

But as the days dragged on, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that gnawed at the edges of my conscience. Victoria's apologies rang hollow in my ears, their sincerity called into question by the ache in my heart.

With a Chai Tea latte in hand, I navigated the sweltering heat that enveloped the campus like a suffocating embrace. The scorching sun beat down upon me, leaving me feeling as though I were a desert traveler, parched and weary beneath its relentless gaze. Yet, the cool touch of the latte against my fingers offered a brief reprieve from the oppressive heat, a refreshing oasis amidst the arid landscape.

As I approached her office, a sense of anticipation gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Would she be there, waiting for me with open arms, or would her absence serve as a silent rebuke to my avoidance? With a hesitant hand, I knocked on the door before entering, my heart hammering in my chest with each passing second.

A quick glance around her deserted desk brought a small smile to my lips, a fleeting hope that perhaps she had forgotten our tutoring session altogether. I made myself comfortable in the chair opposite her desk, settling in with a sip of my drink as I waited for her arrival.

But fate had other plans, as the door swung open with a soft creak, revealing her figure standing in the doorway. Her eyes met mine, surprise flickering in their depths as she took in my presence.

"Ivy," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "I didn't expect to see you here."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her, the question lingering unspoken between us. Why, then, had she bought me my favorite drink if she didn't expect me to show?

Her gaze dropped to the latte in her hand, a telltale sign of her intentions. "I got it just in case," she confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I wasn't sure if you would come, considering how you've been avoiding me all week."

I accepted the drink with a nod of gratitude, a small victory in the midst of our tangled emotions. Score one for me, I thought, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips. With two lattes in hand, perhaps this tutoring session wouldn't be so bad after all.

As Victoria settled into her chair, a palpable tension hung in the air between us, thick and suffocating like a blanket of fog. I took another sip of my drink, the familiar coolness of the latte seeping into my bones as I tried to steady my nerves.

Her gaze flickered to me, a silent question lingering in the depths of her eyes. I could sense the words hovering on the tip of her tongue, a confession waiting to be uttered. But she held back, biting down on her bottom lip with a nervous energy that mirrored my own.

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