Chapter 4

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"So everyone, I wanted to inform that it was me, who was going to teach you Guitar but as I have to leave and go to somewhere, My son..Veer will teach you guys Guitar" He patted his son's back.

Son? He? She try to hide herself behind the boy in front of her.

Veer Pass a small smile. He didn't wanted to be a Guitar Teacher but as his father had to go through some medical treatment, He couldn't say no to his Father when he insisted him.

"Before I leave you guys with my Son. Would all please tell your name and profession or what you guys are doing currently"

One by one everyone was introducing themselves and her turn was coming near. Her hands got sweaty, Nervousness on peak. She mentally prepared a speech of what to speak about herself. Mr.Surya is not the problem nor is his son but the problem is that....she's feeling nervous with his presence.

It's been more than a week when she met him in the party but she never expected she would meet him here as her Guitar Teacher.

Soon she realised that everyone was waiting for her. She held her Guitar and Stood up, straightening her clothes. Looking at Mr.Surya she introduced herself "I am.." She paused and took a deep breath "I am Simran Sen, Currently I am working In Papers and Commercials as an editor"

"Hello Simran, I hope you enjoy the learning here"

She smiled at Mr.Surya and could feel his gaze on her. She was fighting not to look at him but...her eyes betrayed. Shifting her gaze at Veer, who is looking at her normally, neutral expressions. She sat down tearing her gaze from him.

While the introductions were happening, she was stealing glances of Veer while he was listening to others.

Mr.Surya clasp his hands together before speaking "Okay guys. It was nice meeting you. I might come in mid of someday to meet you all...Bubbye and Veer is all yours" He laughed in the end

"Bye Dad" He hugged him and depart the room leaving us with his son.

Veer stood up on the platform which is there in the class just one step above the floor "aa so this is also my first time that I would be teaching Guitar. It was my Dad who taught me and this is not my profession. I am working as a HR in a company"

He is HR ? A stressful job indeed.

"So before we start, we need to change the set up of the class" He said and got down and told them to make semi circle. As she was already touching the wall she didn't had to move much.

Now they all could see him properly and so did he. When he started teaching, she tried to focus but he looked hot while explaining different parts of guitar, how strings should be tuned. She felt her 2000 rupees were going to get wasted because of this Veer Man or The Tic Tac Boy.

Everyone follow what he was saying and tuned there strings.

The class went well and he taught them the basics.

"We will meet tomorrow at the same time then" Said Veer standing on the floor.

He wait for everyone to leave and here She was struggling to put her guitar in the cover bag. Why is it not sliding in?

She was struggling right now and her struggle was not unseen by someone, so he came for rescue. "Should I help?"

She stills at her place for some time before turning towards him, with her guitar and the cover. He takes her guitar and cover from her. In a very calmn voice he spoke "first slide it with a tilt from the base and then the holding the neck of it and put in the headstroke"

Once he was done explaining he confirmed "Okay?"

She nods like a kid "Okay!"

He smiled at her cuteness and she got another surprise , his smile...Attractive Smile.

He slide the guitar to her and when she was about to take it, he pulled it back "Are you okay now?"

She didn't understand what he was talking about and what she understood as the "okay" he was asking related to guitar only, maybe he didn't understand her okay !

"Yes, I got it"

He frown in confusion "What did you got may I ask?"

Now she is confused more, He didn't even understood these words of her?

"That I now know how to put the guitar in Its cover, so I said Okay, I got it"

He stared at her and rub his fingers between his eyebrows controlling his smile. The way she is confused and the way he got confused.

Removing his hand from his face he said "I didn't mean this" He points out at Guitar

Oh, So I am the one who didn't got the okay correctly, She said to herself in her head. Then what did he mean by okay?

"I should have put it correctly" With the pause he added "That night you were crying, so Are you okay Now?"

Shit, he saw her crying. She thought she hide it well, She thought he didn't saw her shredding tears but he did and is even asking about it plus it's been days they met that night, he should have asked this question back then...But at least he is asking now.

Maybe able to read her mind he said "I know it's been days but I asked because you still look stressed"

She looks down, only if he knows it's because of him.

"I am good, it was first day and new environment, it takes time for me to adapt"

He nods and gives her guitar. She looks around the class and it was empty now this made her feel weird. She was in the class alone with him.

He gets back to take his own guitar and tug it on his shoulder "Don't worry, it's new for me too, this teaching, you just need to relax and talk with people, maybe with someone you will feel comfortable"

He is an extrovert, she understood this. First that day and now today or it's just her, being extremely introverted.

He opens the door "You love the class much?"


"You are standing there at your place, the class is over"

"Oh...No I" she Quickly walks towards the gate and step out from the class and he close the door behind him once he walk behind her, exiting.

She push the main door of the building open, not even sparing a glance at the receptionist who is smiling at her.

Veer stops in front of receptionist which brings her attention to him.

"How was your first day as a teacher?"

"It was good Sandhya Aunty not bad" He said with a sigh

"So you will continue it for rest 20 days?" She asked raising her eye brows

He looks through the Window in the building, watching her getting in the Auto. Once it left, He turns his head at her "I think, I should" He smiled at the end.

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