Stripper's move 1.2

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Comanche came out and while she smiled at all of the men around, she gave Tori a wink before she began to bump and grind to an old Motown hit. Tori was watching, spellbound when Comanche passed very close to her.

"Tilt your head back," she whispered.

Tori didn't even think not to and she was stunned when the girl leaned forward and rested her tits on either side of Tori's head and shook them. They were so soft and the skin was so silky, Tori felt a contraction in her deep muscles. It was only then that she realized how aroused she was. Her nipples were poking out and she could feel her pussy twitching.

Comanche was looking down at her and Tori colored furiously at she men hooted and made cat calls.

"Stand up and put a dollar in your mouth," the girl whispered.

Tori did so, feeling foolish, but not caring. Her blood was pounding in her temples as Comanche reached back and grasped the gold pole that stood upright through the stage. Her hips were right in front of Tori's face and they sensuously undulated. Comanche smiled, leaned back up and caught the back of Tori's head with one hand, while pulling her g-string aside with the other. She pulled Tori's head between her thighs, until the bill was lying flat against her skin. As the song ended, she let the g-string snap back, trapping the dollar.

"Thank you," she cooed, before collecting the few bills on stage and darting back behind the curtain after a quick bow.

Tori could feel the men staring and pointing, but she floated back to their table without her feet ever once hitting the floor. At least, that's how it felt. She had barely sat down when the waitress showed up.

"Can I get you girls another?" she asked.

Tori nodded while the others placed orders. She noticed Joann ordered a diet coke and again wondered about her friend's strange behavior. Jo usually drank them all under the table. When the waitress returned with the drinks, she took everyone's second ticket, but when Tori tried to hand hers over, the blonde just shook her head slightly.

"Keep it, honey. I go off in ten and you can use it to get something from Tara," she whispered.

"Well, seems like you're making a lot of friends," Monica said.

"Monica, stow it," Jo said.

Jo's voice was soft, but it carried that deadly edge Tori recognized as the calm before the storm. The dark haired girl was taken aback, but managed to laugh it off.

"Sure, sure, I was just joking."

"No, you were being a bitch."

"Jeeze, calm down, I was..."

"You were being a bitch," Jo said in that flat tone.

"Well, excuuuuse me!"

Tori was afraid there was about to be a fight. She pitied Monica if there was. Jo would kick her ass soundly, of that she was certain.

"Jesus H. Christ, we're here to have fun. Knock it off, both of you," Candice shouted.

Jo smiled and took a sip of her coke while Monica managed not to put her foot in her mouth and let it go.

Tori barley noticed the next two girls on stage. She was in her own little world as Shauna came over and plopped down in Jo's lap.

"What did you think?" she asked excitedly.

"Great! How much did you make?" Veronica asked.

"Almost fifty, but at least half of it was from you guys," she said, taking a swig of Jo's coke.

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