Chapter 97: Attitudes of Each Building in the Community

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Listening to Zhang Yi's murmurs, Zhou Keren felt her heart pounding. At this moment, the entire community was oblivious, as they teetered on the edge of the entrance to hell, moving frantically between life and death. The decision between life and death lay in Zhang Yi's thoughts.

"Fortunately, I chose to follow him in the beginning," Zhou Keren felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Keren, who knelt in front of him, and patted his thigh, saying, "Come over." Zhou Keren walked over and sat on his lap. The room was warm, so they usually wore pajamas, and sometimes just underwear, at home. Zhou Keren hadn't brought any clothes herself; they were all chosen by Zhang Yi. So, naturally, the style of clothing was whatever Zhang Yi liked. For instance, the set she was wearing now was a black lace nightgown, the kind with a touch of allure. Beneath the thin fabric, her white abdomen and a large expanse of delicate white fat were exposed. The fabric below was even more minimal, barely concealing anything. Sitting on Zhang Yi's lap, the sensation from her well-toned perky buttocks brought pleasure to Zhang Yi both physically and mentally. Zhang Yi embraced her slender waist, bit her ear, immediately making Zhou Keren's face turn red, and her breathing became rapid.

"Keren, tell me, from your perspective, should I fight with them or cooperate?" Zhou Keren thought Zhang Yi wanted to discuss something serious, but she didn't expect him to be asking for her opinion. Of course, this was another kind of serious matter. She felt a bit regretful in her heart, but at the same time, she was happy that Zhang Yi was willing to seek her opinion.

Zhou Keren thought for a moment and said, "If you choose to fight, can you withstand the attacks from residents of the other 29 buildings simultaneously?"

"Well, no problem," Zhang Yi said confidently. In fact, he felt a bit uncertain because he was only 99.99% certain, and there was a 0.01% uncertainty. After all, he couldn't guarantee that there was no one in the other 29 buildings with explosives that could bring down a building. However, this probability was similar to the chance of a meteor falling from the sky and precisely hitting his house. If it happened, there was nothing he could do about it! Zhang Yi didn't dwell on it.

Zhou Keren's eyes were filled with surprise. She thought Zhang Yi would say it was impossible, but he gave an affirmative answer. After all, Zhang Yi had never disclosed to her how many weapons and supplies he had. But after a second thought, Zhou Keren realized that Zhang Yi possessed extraordinary abilities, and anything was possible for him. She took a deep breath and continued to ask, "If you choose to cooperate, do you have to provide the living information of everyone in the entire community afterward?"

Zhang Yi burst into laughter. "From their perspective, it seems to be the case."

Zhou Keren immediately said, "Of course not! The entire community, even if the surviving population in each building is calculated at 50 people, that would still be 1,500 people!"

"If you have to take care of the food and drink for so many people, I don't know how much supplies would be enough. It's simply too much for one person to handle!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand. "The accounts aren't calculated that way."

"They propose conditions that naturally lean toward the higher side, and then wait for me to negotiate."

"And don't think of these people as good people. Anyone who can control a building surely has their own small group."

"Once they have supplies, they will prioritize their own people."

A deep light flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes. "As for others, they are just reserves. Do they need to waste food on reserves?"

Zhou Keren thought what Zhang Yi said made sense and nodded. "Even so, providing supplies for all 30 buildings by yourself is still a huge hassle!"

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded. "Yes, that's right. So I must find a way to get rid of this trouble."

"Either kill them all—it's a twisted and troublesome process, and there might be a bit of danger. After all, I'll have to leave this building and face them."

He rubbed his temples. "You say, is there any way that I don't need to bother killing them all and can still get rid of this troublesome bunch?"

Zhou Keren thought seriously, and Zhang Yi gave her a massage on her fatty layer to help her think.

After a long time, Zhou Keren sighed and said, "This problem has no solution. You are their only hope. If you don't help them, they will definitely come to kill you."

"There is another theoretical idea, but it's not realistic."

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What idea?"

Zhou Keren smiled, "Evading might be shameful, but it's useful. You leave this community, find another place to live, and get rid of them, right?"

Zhang Yi widened his eyes, looking at Zhou Keren. Initially, he found Zhou Keren's suggestion very amusing, even absurd. He had worked hard to create a safe haven, and now he was supposed to leave the community? However, suddenly, another idea emerged in his mind.

Could he take the safe house into his own space and then take it away?

Zhang Yi had tried to collect large items before, but they had to meet one condition—they had to exist independently.

His safe house was integrated into the framework of the building.

To take it away, he had to dismantle it.

But how to dismantle it? What could he use?

If it were possible, he believed those scoundrel neighbors would have dismantled it long ago.

This idea was bold and extremely difficult to implement, but it made Zhang Yi feel refreshed.

Perhaps, in the future, when conditions allowed, he could try it.

However, currently, this was evidently not an effective choice.

Looking at Zhang Yi's serious contemplation, Zhou Keren couldn't help but laugh, "I just mentioned it casually. You're not taking it seriously, are you?"

Zhang Yi looked at her, smiling as he pinched her firm (··)

"Well then, tell me, what should we do?" Zhou Keren pouted.

Zhang Yi's eyes were profound. "Let's not rush for now. Wait a bit before deciding! After all, time is on our side, and the advantage is mine!"

Currently, the only thing that could slightly trouble Zhang Yi was the possibility of the other 29 buildings uniting.

But in the current post-apocalyptic world, people were engaged in a constant struggle.

Within a community, 30 buildings had already given rise to various types of civilizations.

Zhang Yi, the Tianhe Gang, and the Mad Wolf Gang belonged to those who forcefully obtained dominance through violence and slaughter.

Chen Lingyu controlled a building through brainwashing and hypnosis.

Li Jian created a peaceful and harmonious home through scientific management.

So many organizations, with completely different ideologies.

Moreover, they had to be wary of each other, as they could become enemies at any moment.

Uniting them wasn't that easy.

Zhang Yi planned to continue observing their movements and decide how to proceed later.

After all, the initiative was in his hands, and in terms of combat power, he had a multitude of firearms and precise marksmanship skills, making him unafraid of group battles.

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