Chapter Twenty Three

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Just a light Chapter ☺️

The kiss has helped me calm my panicked heartbeat down sending a shiver of mixed pleasure and guilt  down my spine, After spending few more moments in his arms I had pulled away from him not knowing what to say so I went with best option that is to ignore what has happened just a moment before, and now we both are sitting in balcony looking up at the beautiful starry sky.

I couldn't help but look at Agastya in between, our eyes met once in a while making sometimes me or another times him to look away,now looking at him I can easily say that just like me he also doesn't know what to say to me, the kiss we shared inside the room was unexpected and uncalled for

We stayed there gazing at star without exchanging a word, after good thirty minutes I felt his hand touching mine and before I could react or retreat my hands back he held my hand with his, intertwined our fingers together and pulled my hand to his chest, I felt his heart beating in wilder pace inside his chest somewhat similar as mine, so I  leaned onto the handle of his wheelchair and closed my eyes for a little while, few good minutes passed and I felt his fingers caressing my hair, my mind went  to what Aashi has said when I asked her and I couldn't help but wonder how foolish I could be, Arjun isn't here with us anymore, how can he call and talk when he isn't here anymore.


I  shifted close to the source of warmth from my left before cuddling more to the warm fluffy blanket of mine, my head found a better cushion than the one below my head and I felt a hand wrapping around my body, I sighed shifting more close before slipping back into deep slumber loosing my subconscious focus on world.


The Morning rays entered in room filtering by the thin curtain and hitting him straight on his eyes, I cradled the little boy in my arms and tried to make him fall back into sleep, it's been three hours since this little monster baby is playing with me, sometimes by taking my face in his and trying to eat my nose or eyes or mouth and sometimes by just pulling my hair to gain my attention whenever I get drowsy and is about to fall sleep, the rustling of sheets pulled my attention back to the sleeping man who thrusted his face in pillow to hide away from the sunrays.

The soft snores coming from Ritosh made me look down at the kid drooling in his sleep, a chuckle left my mouth seeing how cute the bundle of joy looked, what could this little guy here might be thinking about to drool like this? I guess Milk, using the edge of my sweatshirt I cleaned his face before dropping a light kiss on his forehead and shifting him into the crib from my arms before I left the bed to close the window so that Agastya can sleep a little longer and then headed straight into bathroom with fresh pair of clothes.

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"Agastya, We have to go to hospital today" I gently shook the sleeping man, if it wouldn't have been his breathing or how his chest is heaving up and down I would have assumed this man dead seeing how he is sleeping "Agastya" I called out once again seeing how he didn't pay any heed to first call.

"Hmmm" he hummed turning his back to me.

"Agastya, It's 11 wake up before I decide to give you a bath in bed" I threatened by my threat went into empty ears seeing how he is still sleeping like a log.

"Agastya" I leaned down to his ear level and screamed, his eyes snapped open and he looked scared for a minute before his eyes fell on my face and a wave of relief washed his face and he sighed closing his eyes back.

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