Chp. 26

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My eyes fluttered open, the familiar sense of warmth surrounding me as I realized Drew and I were still wrapped around each other. I felt myself smiling, the sense of feeling well rested really taking over my body. I hadn't felt that in what seemed like a long time when it had only been a week since I had last slept with Drew. I didn't want to wake her up though, so I remained still.

Last night had gone from passionate, to serious, to sweet all within minutes. It had worn me out but at least we had ended on a good note, and I was satisfied on how things had closed. I loved my present and she loved mine. Not only that but now I knew Drew was falling just as hard as I was. It excited me and I couldn't wait to see where she and I went now that Ashley was well out of my life. I still had some repairing to do but I was ready to further it with Drew.

Finding the right time seemed like the next step.

I felt Drew stir silently, waking up as I moved against her. I didn't want her to move because it felt so good like this but I knew everything good had to end sometimes. It's not like we had anything to do anyway, so rushing to get up wasn't even necessary.

She rolled towards me, her eyes still sleepy as they switched up to me. I felt myself smiling like an idiot at the sight but goddamn she was cute. I shook my head, "How do you do that?"

She shook her head, "What?"

"Wake up amazing."

She rolled her eyes and laughed quietly, "Bree, I can't handle your sappiness this early."

I blushed and pushed her on her back, climbing on top of her and straddling her waist. Her eyes took me in and I felt satisfied knowing her full attention was on me now. I leaned down and kissed her, then whispered, "We have nothing to do today, which means we can stay in bed all day..."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Since when are you like this?"

I could tell she liked it, which was great because I loved having the opportunity to take charge and get a little more intimate with Drew. I found myself shrugging to her response, "Since I missed you and last night we didn't really get to finish what we started."

Drew smirked, "What you started."

"You were taking off my shirt," I confessed, wishing she wouldn't be so timid when it came to things like this. I knew she couldn't help it, but maybe we still had a long way to go.

"It was getting in the way."

I laughed, biting my lip as I leaned down and kissed Drew again. Every moment with her was worth the patience I had to exert, whether that be her revealing something personal or her allowing me to finally take control. Through the last few months we had been through a lot, and that was usually a bad thing, but in our case it wasn't.

Then she unexpectedly forced me onto my back, her body wedged between my bare legs. I felt my heart pound a little harder, and my eyes were completely focused on the blonde above me.

She announced, "I think we need to talk."

I immediately fell off of my high, "About?"

"Me and Jada's fight," she countered, and suddenly I was reminded that it was approaching.

I shook my head at the thought, "When is it, exactly?"

"In a few nights," I could tell it bothered her tremendously, but there was basically nothing she could do. The rules of whatever they were involved with had been established years ago, and escaping it came with one rule and one rule only. Win. Win until you beat everyone else, and then you were free. I didn't know why that place existed or why people put up with it, but it did and Drew and Jada were involved. Both for different reasons.

If I Fall (GirlXGirl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora