Chapter 775: The New Year

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During New Year's Eve, every family put up lanterns and colored banners.

In the past few years, the standard of living of every family in Taoyuan village improved. Naturally, there was a pursuit for quality of life.

In the past, during the New Year, everyone would at most buy one or two firecrackers to put on, or some people would put up one or two couplets to pray for a better standard of living next year. Then, they would buy some meat and snacks that they were usually reluctant to buy. That was the new year.

Now, every family lived in a new house, and every family bought a new car. They did not lack the money for firecrackers and meat. Therefore, firecrackers and fireworks were a must for every family. They had also prepared a large amount of food to store.

However, Taoyuan Village was now a tourist village. These firecrackers and fireworks could not be randomly placed. They had to be placed at the designated location.

Taoyuan Village closed on the day before New Year's Eve. The entire village was hung with red lanterns and colored lanterns. It was very much like the new year.

The Xiao family had all returned. On the days before the Lunar New Year, everyone, regardless of gender or age, was busy.

They were busy with both work and family. The New Year had to feel like the New Year.

Everyone had already agreed that the Lunar New Year would be spent at Xiao Lingyu's house.

It had been like this for the past few years. They were no longer separated from each other. During the Lunar New Year, they would usually be at the Xiao family's house. Mother Xiao was good at cooking and was in charge of cooking. The other sisters-in-law would be in charge of helping out.

As for the men, they were in charge of things like cleaning.

In short, the family was very harmonious. They did not care about who did the most work and who did the least.

"Brother-in-law, up a bit. Yes. That's it!"

Gong Tianhao was standing on a stool and sticking couplets at the door.

Xiao Lingshuo was looking at the positioning from below.

It was the first time Gong Tianhao had done something like this since he was born.

In the past, his family would also stick couplets and hang lanterns, but they were all handed to the servants to do. He had never done it himself.

But after marrying Xiao Lingyu, he realized that he had already gone through many firsts, such as washing vegetables, cooking, and cleaning. He was like many ordinary men helping out around the house.

In the past, the Xiao family had no money and did everything by hand. It was not a big deal.

Now, the Xiao family was already a millionaire. It wouldn't be strange for them to hire a few people to do the work.

However, the Xiao family did not do that. They would rather do the work at home themselves.

Over the years, Grandpa Xiao and his wife, as well as the uncles, had built new houses. Xiao Lingyun and her children were originally living with their parents, but Gong Yinxiong was pursuing her harder and harder. The people around them were also trying to set them up. Furthermore, Gong Yinxiong was really good to her. He did not mind that she had two daughters. In fact, he even doted on the two children more than she did. This was not something that could be done just by putting on an act.

Furthermore, Gong Yingxiong and Gong Tianhao were brothers who trusted each other. Based on her relationship with Xiao Lingyu, if Gong Yingxiong weren't a man worth trusting, Gong Tianhao would stop him from pursuing Xiao Lingyun. Therefore, if there were no accidents, she would definitely marry Gong Yingxiong.

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