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"Are you sick or something?" Beast asked

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"Are you sick or something?" Beast asked.

Ilya opened his eyes and a glint of hope shone in their cloudy green color. His mouth opened, trying to say the right words, the words that might set him free.

"I am." A tremble of doubt shook his voice, but he added, "I have type 1 diabetes."

Beast tilted his head for a moment, turning his ear towards the boy. He heard his fast but steady heartbeat, and he knew; the boy was telling the truth.

Beast backed away as if the boy had some contagious disease. A sneer of disgust pulled his upper lip to the side. His golden-yellow eyes scanned Ilya from head to toe.

He watched the poor kid he had cornered, so small and delicate like a helpless baby. He looked good enough to eat, but too pale and cold for a healthy meal. The thought of eating a sick person made Beast nauseous.


Just one word came out of Beast's mouth. Then he grabbed Ilya's arm and dragged him along.

Ilya gasped at the sudden move, sliding along the cold floor without any idea of what was happening. He glanced up at Beast but couldn't see anything but his back, full of scars, and his shoulder blades were heightened by the massive muscle mass surrounding them.

The screeching sounds of Ilya's shoes shuffling on the slippery floor broke the silence. Even in his weakest conditions, Ilya kept trying to break free from Beast's clutches.

"Stop!" Ilya winced when his broken arm hit an object on the way. "Where are you taking me?"

Beast was carelessly dragging the boy with no regard for his injuries, almost swinging him around as he marched towards the destination.

"I don't like to eat sick people," Beast finally said. "They taste funny."

Before Ilya could process what was happening, Beast stopped, then pulled him up in the air. The next thing Ilya knew, he was being dangled in the elevator shaft.

Ilya quickly breathed through his mouth and closed his nose before that stench turned his stomach again. Ilya stared down at the dark abyss, gasping, screaming with his eyes. Then he looked at Beast at the elevator's opening.

Beast was grinning and seemed to not mind the nasty smell.

"But I have one last game to play with you. Let's see you survive this."

Before he knew it, Beast had let go of his arm and let Ilya fall down the elevator shaft.

Ilya's scream was cut short when he hit the bottom of the elevator. His ankle took the heaviest hit along with the back of his head. He winced, screwing his eyes shut before half-opening them.

Above him was Beast, staring down at him with a sickening grin and sharp fangs peeking out. His eyes were big with excitement. A shining evil in his yellow irises sent chills down Ilya's spine.

"You're gonna need this."

Beast dropped a flashlight next to Ilya. Then he waved at him and disappeared, laughing all the way until his voice faded.

Ilya's eyes closed again, heavy and feeling dizzy from the impact. He just wanted to relax for a brief moment. Just this once, he didn't bother to look and see where his lousy luck took him.

Just this time, Ilya chose to close his eyes, even if it meant closing them forever.


Ilya winced because of his tender wrist injury when he moved his arm and then opened his eyes. The beeping didn't stop and Ilya couldn't figure out how to silence his wrist device without the use of his broken hand.

With difficulty and a lot of pain, Ilya managed to switch it off. However, the noise clung to his ears. It sounded like people screaming, and so many of them all at once.

Then the smell struck him.

He gagged before covering his nose. He stayed like that for a few seconds, breathing through his mouth.

The noise of the screaming people became louder and clearer.

Ilya snapped his eyes open. His heart skipped a beat.

Realization hit him like a splash of freezing water; this was not noise caused by the ringing of his glucose-monitoring device. This was the sound of the shriekers, a massive horde of them.

Ilya tried to get up quickly, but his hand slipped on whatever he had fallen onto. Slimy mushy meat with shiny rodent eyes peeking from the corners of the elevator. Ilya's hand reached for the flashlight first, then he slowly stood up and turned the light on.

His body shook as if a bolt of lightning struck him. The gasp that came out of his mouth left him breathless. He couldn't scream, couldn't breathe, he simply froze.

He was standing on a pile of mutilated dead bodies.

He was standing on a pile of mutilated dead bodies

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Hi, guys. I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you liked it?

We finally learned about Ilya's illness. What are your thoughts about it?

I've been feeling a little under the weather lately, along with some mental issues. That's why I'm in a semi-hiatus. I also didn't get shortlisted for the Wattys this year too, and it just adds to my already worsening mental state :'(

Ah, well :3

In the meantime, watch out for an interesting chapter of Silent Hill: Angel coming this week :D

I wanna thank you all for leaving lots of comments to cheer me up during my semi-hiatus. I love you all <3


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