Escape the men

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The narrow streets of the city stretched out before me. My breath came in ragged bursts as the rain fell down.

The clatter of pursuing footsteps echoed behind me and I knew I couldn't afford to slow down for even a moment.

GOD! I did not think this would turn out so bad so fast! As I darted around corners, my surroundings became hazy. The city seemed to compress, the narrow alleys and towering buildings closing in around me. My senses were heightened as the adrenaline rushed through my veins.

"Hey!!!" I heard a voice behind me but I was so focused on running away I didn't know who it came from, "Stop!!"

Why the hell do people tell you to stop!?? I mean why would I stop!?!?!

"We can talk through this!!"

Like hell we can!!!

The rain got stronger and all the turns through the alleyways led me through a maze of city stairs, the steps rising in uneven patterns that required split-second decisions. My muscles screamed with exertion as I leaped up one flight after another, my breath now coming in desperate gasps. The sound of my own heartbeat pounded in my ears as I kept going.


The rain soaked everything, turning the stairs into a slippery battleground. I could feel a determined presence closing in on me, and I felt scared.


I tried my best to hurry down the weirdly made stairs when one of them finally caught up to me. He crashed his body into mine, and the world spun as I lost my footing.


With a startled gasp, I stumbled forward with a loud scream that got muffled by the thunder rumbling in the sky. My arms flailed for balance, but the rain-slicked surface offered no mercy. I fell, landing hard on the unforgiving steps, my breath knocked out of me while the rough ground tore my clothes a little from the top.

Pain radiated through my body, while the man on top of me tried to grab me. I fought to regain control, my palms scraping against the wet stone as I attempted to push myself up and push him away.

But he was already upon me, his fingers closing around my wrist with an iron grip. His eyes bore into mine, a mix of determination and something else, something that I couldn't quite decipher in the midst of the chaos.

It was Zhou-Lin and the moment I caught sight of him I stopped breathing. My eyes darted around and I couldn't see Matthew.

"Looking for your target?" The rain drenched us both, "We split ways halfway." He smirked at me and he breathed heavily with malice laced in his voice, "You're done for, little miss."

I fought against his hold, using every ounce of strength to wrench my wrist free. The slick surface worked against me, making it difficult to break his grasp. The rain pelted my face, blurring my vision, and making everything hard.

My torn clothes snagged on the uneven steps as I struggled, the fabric pulling at my skin as I writhed against his grip. The only good thing about the rain was that it was on both of us and I was highly determined not to get caught.

"Fuck you," I glared at him, "You murderer." His expressions got darker at my words but I managed to twist my body, using my legs to push against the wet stone. His hold on my wrist faltered as he lost balance and fell off of me, and I seized the opportunity to break free. I scrambled a few steps upwards with my heart racing.

But like the villain he was, he came after me, grabbing me again as I tried to go down and we got entangled in a physical tussle over there.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Leave me alone!!!" I tried to attack him.

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