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"Is Bryan mad about your work here?" Alex said as soon as I enter her office and without even looking at me. Her head is down and was writing something.

I ignored what she said and looked at the mountain of documents that were lying on the floor. Trying to figure out how and where to start.

I put down the coffee mug on the center table and sat on the floor. I started opening the folders, it's a good thing Alex's office is huge and I would have a place to arrange the folders properly.

I didn't hear another word from Alex since, I didn't even try to look up and see what she was doing.

I got myself busy and didn't notice the time. 

I felt my stomach growl loudly which cause me to look at Alex to see if she heard it, as I look up, I found her already looking at me.

So, she heard it. For the second time!

"I'm hungry." I said.

"I heard that." I looked away from her feeling embarrassed as I felt my cheeks grow hot.

"I ordered already, the food should be here any minute."

"You should really start eating breakfast, Cara." She continued when I didn't speak.

My head almost immediately turned to her when I heard her mention my name.

No!!! Look away! Look away! I scolded myself.

Casually, I looked away and refocus on the documents in front of me.

I didn't dare answer her, I'm afraid I might say something like, why do you care? So I kept quiet and went back to my work.

When the food came, I didn't wait for Alex to serve it to me. I prepared it on the center table and didn't even ask her to join me.

It didn't take her long to join me, she sat beside me on the couch and her elbow accidentally graced mine. 

I was startled as I felt electricity going through from my elbow to my arm and to my whole body. I had to scoot away from her giving ourselves a safe distance between us.

It was a simple touch, no, it was not even a touch and I was affected as hell! Damn!

I ate so fast I think I didn't chew most of it, I wanted to get away from her so bad that I didn't taste my food at all.

After I ate, I walk out of the room. Most of my colleagues are not here, probably upstairs except for Lisa.

"You okay?" I heard her ask. 

My eyes were closed and didn't notice her walking towards me. 

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at her and was about to walk off when she anchored her arms to mine.

"Would you wanna hang out with us tomorrow night? Just me, Tom, and the other interns downstairs." 

And even before I could answer her, Alex came out of her office and I could tell she was surprised to see us both in front of her door.

Nobody dared to speak for the whole 30 seconds, it was Lisa who recovered and pulled me out of Alex's way.

Alex's eyes diverted to Lisa's arm that was on mine but took them away in just 2 seconds and walked off.

"You know, I think Ms. Williams doesn't like you very much." Lisa said after Alex disappeared from our sight.

Oh, yeah I know.

"What made you say that?" I curiously asked.

"Well, she always asked for you whenever she has something to work on. And man, we saw the number of files that were brought to her office this morning, are you working on that? What did you do to piss her off?"

I removed Lisa's arm from mine.

"Why would you think I did something, seriously?" My voice probably rose a little and scared Lisa a little bit as I saw her take one step back.

"Jeez! David said you must have done something or whatever."

"Well, I didn't do anything and I don't know why David would assume that."

"Fine! So, would you like to hang out with us tomorrow night? It's the weekend, people want to know you, you know!"

"Aren't you done yet, Ms. Greene? There's a ton of work that needs to be done today!" 

Lisa and I were startled to hear Alex say while walking toward her office.

I shoed away Lisa but even before she could go, she whispered to me 'Just let me know, okay?' I nodded at her before following Alex inside.

"Popular, are we?" I heard Alex say as she goes to her seat.

I ignored her yet another loose talk, I sat on the floor and continued my work. 

After just 30 mins in silence, I remember I didn't have the chance to go to the bathroom after lunch and now, I really have to go.

As I excused myself, Alex gave me a meaningful look.

"Again?" She asked.

"I didn't have the chance to go earlier also, don't I have the freedom now to go to the bathroom anytime I want?" I asked her wondering.

She seem to be offended or something as her expression changed.

"Of course you have, don't be ridiculous. Go!" 

I turned my back from her and walk towards the door. 

I don't understand her, she told me to forget what happened between us the past few weeks but then she acts like a jealous and possessive girlfriend, just like when we were at Brian's party.

Ever since this morning when I was with Brian, then again with Lisa. And now, she sounds like she was forbidding me to go somewhere else. Am I overthinking this?

With the amount of work I have today, I wasn't able to fully absorb what had happened this morning, where Alex shoots me down and had my heart bleeds in silence as I couldn't show it to her.

How I wish this day will be over and I could go home and cry my heart out.

Tomorrow is Friday, so maybe I should go with Lisa and the other interns, change of scenery and people, it might be good for me.

But all I wanna do is curl up my bed, wait, no. I want first to buy alcohol, drink, curl up in my bed and bawl.

Or maybe the first one. A part of me said.

The day went without me interacting with Alex, I didn't even look at her the whole afternoon and I was glad that she stayed silent as well. She must be very busy too.

"Come on, Cara!" 

We were both startled when we heard Brian open the door and spoke a little bit loud.

"Knock much?" Alex is visibly annoyed which Brian ignored.

"Cara, let's go." He repeated.

I looked alternately at Brian and Alex, both are waiting for me to speak. 

"Cara?" I heard Alex call my name.

"Cara!" At the same time, Brian calls me.

As if I'm not confused, both are looking at me like they are fighting over me, which is not the case because Alex was so clear this morning that she didn't want anything to do with me.

Also, I don't remember setting up anything with Brian so why would he pick me up? And here, in Alex's office?

I looked at my wristwatch, it was past 06:30 in the evening.

Brian walk inside the office and grabbed my stuff that was on the table while Alex has her eyes wide open, probably shocked by Brian's action.

"Cara, let's go! We're gonna be late!" 

Without thinking, I close my laptop, placed it on the center table, closed as well the folder I was holding, and set it aside. I stood up and followed Brian out, but before I left completely, I looked at Alex.

"Bye, Ms. Williams."

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