• dinner. •

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I wake up besides Jack. He was already awake, just watching tv. I could tell he was trying to move the least amount to not wake me up, which I appreciate. I sit up a bit and he pulls me back down, "I was in a comfortable position." He giggles.
"I was in a comfortable position when we were having sex."
"I bet you were." He said as he turned towards me, resting his hand on my face. I connect our lips together. His lips were dry since he has just been laying down, but I got them wet from my kisses. He climbs ontop of me and puts his hands through my hair. I put my hands on his waist. I break the kiss,
"I love you."
"Oh really? I didn't think you did."
"Say it back."
"I hate you."
"I love you too Luke."
"But really Jack, I'm obsessed with you. I can't stop thinking about you. I don't want to leave you, or you leave me. I'd legitimately do anything for you."
"Luke calm down, your getting all creepy."
"Oh, right." We both giggle together.
"Now shut up and kiss me."
I pull his head back and connected our lips again. I really am obsessed with him, a little creepy amount I will admit. His lips were soft, just like his skin. He breaks the kiss and sits up,
"I think I should go home, I'm suppose to have a dinner with my family since my sister is coming back for the week."
"You have a sister? When were you gonna tell me this?" I laugh a bit in shock.
"Meh.. she's basically never around so I didn't think you want to know her."
"I want to meet my boyfriends sister, are you crazy?" I rush up and walk to my room.
"I can ask if you can stay for dinner, if you want." I hear him say from the hallway. I grab some new clothes and slip them on. He walks into my room and I see him wearing my boxers.
"Fuck.. you look.. good." I observe his body.
"I know I do." He smirks.
"When did you sneak those on?" I say as I run my hands through his hair.
"Middle of the night, I had to use the bathroom. I hope it isn't a problem." He says as I get closer to him, resting my hands on his waist.
"They make your ass look big." I grin at him which made him smile. I look him up and down and he took a deep breath in. I smirk a bit before yanking him and putting him in my shoulders, "LUKE! PUT ME DOWN! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOUVE DONE THISSSS!" He kicks around before I toss him onto my bed, me landing ontop of him. We stare at eachothers lips before connecting them. I move his hair covering his face to behind his ears. I put my hand behind his head and lifted it up a bit as I kiss him. He breaks the kiss and pushes me over,
"Okay okay, dinner." He says as he sits up.
"Dinners not gonna be for a few more hours." I look at him and he looks back. He smirks a bit but then climbs over to me, sitting on my lap and pushing us down, laying on top of me.
A few hours pass and he's still on top of me.
I break the kiss and show him the time, which makes him rush up and puts his shirt back on. No, we didn't do it. We are still sore from last night and agreed we don't need to, plus we are about to leave.
We toss our shoes on and get into the car. As we drive there I notice Jack picking at his fingers. "What's wrong?" I ask while still looking at the road, "Oh nothing. Just a bit nervous. I haven't seen my sister in a while. Plus I stayed the night without asking my parents."
We pull up to his house and his sisters car was already there. We get out and enter the house, his sister walked over and hugged him,
"Oh my gosh Jack! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" She stopped hugging and looked at me. She put her hand out towards me, I grabbed it and shook it.
"Luke." I said as our hands separated.
"Sarah. Nice to meet you, you must be the footballer he always used to tell me about!"
"Sarah! Shut up! Luke you didn't hear that-" Jack yelled as he looked back and forth between the two of us.
"Wasnt his name Luke Conrad?" She interrupted
Jack became extremely red, he grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to his room. He pushed me onto his bed as he changed.
"Your sister seems cool." I laugh a bit. He grabs a hoodie that he must've stolen from me. I point it out and he ignores me. He puts on some jeans and sits besides me on the bed.
"Why does all my shit look better on you then me?" I groan a bit.
"I don't know," he smirked. "But your lips look better on me." He looked at my eyes and my lips.
We looked at eachother for a bit until he sat on my lap and I sat against the wall.

I sit on his lap and put my hand in his hair, pulling him closer to me until he started kissing me. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me in closer, our chests practically touching.
He took off his shirt in one clean swoop and pulled our lips back together. I rub my finger against his abs as we kiss.
He's so attractive, hot even. I wish we could never separate. I feel so special when I'm with him. He moves his hand around my back, exploring my back as if he hasn't seen it multiple times before. I hear my phone buzz but I don't care to look at it. He makes my mouth have no untouched spots with his tongue.
He tastes amazing. Both ways. I take off my hoodie quickly and he puts his hands on my waist. Tightly.
The door quickly opens.
My sister stared at us in confusion,
"I texted you." She says as we both look at her. I get off his lap and grab my phone.
'Dinners ready' the text says.
"Okay, we'll be down there in a second." I say as I pass him his shirt and put mine on.
She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. We look at each other and giggle a bit before getting up. We leave the room and head downstairs. We sit down besides each other at the table and my parents are in front of us, my sister sitting at one of the ends. A empty chair at the other end. We silently eat the food until my dad interrupts,
"so Jack, how was your night?" He asks.
"Fine. Normal, I guess." I respond clenching my jaw to not smile to the lie.
"Nice hoodie you got there. Where'd you buy it?"
I look at my hoodie then back at my dad, "I don't know. I found it in my closet."
Luke looks at me, then back to his food. Trying not to smile. The room went silent again.
"This is some good food." Luke randomly says.
"Awe, thank you Luke. Y'know.. your one of my favorites out of jacks friends." My mom smiles.
"Yeah mom, I haven't ate anything in awhile so thanks for making this." I smile at her then picked up my water cup and began drinking.
"Weren't you just about to eat something in your room?" My sister grinned. I spit my water into my cup out of pure instinct and stare at her.
My mom and dad stare at us in confusion, Luke covering his face with a sleeve as he tries not to laugh. He ends up laughing.
"Am I missing something? Is this a 'meme'?" My mom asked confused staring at all of us.
"No mom, it's not a meme. Let's just continue eating."
"Is it a gay joke?" My dad pointed the fork back and forth at us.
"Why would it be a 'gay' joke?" My mom asked. My dad kept quiet and started eating again.
"Are you two dating?!" My mom raised her voice.
"No mom! We aren't dating! Let's just sto-"
"That's not what I thought when I walked in on you two.." my sister interrupted.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD, SARAH! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I quickly stood up and yelled at her.
"Were you guys having sex?" My dad asked while chewing his food. Luke just watched while eating aswell. Looking back and forth between us as we talked.
"Language Jack!" My mom told me.
I sat back down clenching my jaw in anger. Luke put his hand on my thigh and looked at me, looking as if he was asking if I was okay. I nodded a bit.
"So it was a coincidence that you came in all of his clothes? Last night was fun, eh?" My sister said while swallowing her food.
I push myself from the table, my chair scratching the floor. The table shook a bit, I quickly stomped to my room.

They all watch as he stomps to his room, everyone looked at luke.
"I should probably go get him." Luke said as he placed his silverware down nicely. Getting up and chasing after Jack.
"Sarah." Jacks mom looked at her

I jump onto my pillow and scream into it.
I hear the door open and lock. I look to see who it was, it was luke.
"You okay?" He said as he sat besides me.
"Can we leave?" I ask as tears roll down my face.
"Of course Jack." He said as he began walking to the door. I ran to him and pulled his shirt, pulling him back.
"I'm not going out there." My voice cracks a bit.
"Then how are we supposed to leave?" He looks confused. I open my closet and pull out some slides. For both of us. I slide them on and started walking towards the window.
"Hey, hey, hey! What do you think your doing?" Luke came up behind me and grabbed my arm.
"I told you, I'm not going fucking out there." I yanked my arm back and pulled up the window seal. I grab my bag and toss it out, jumping onto the roof underneath my window. Luke following me. We snuck into his car and drove to his house.

words: 1811

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