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As I rushed around my room, frantically trying to pack for my trip to New York, frustration grew within me. Time was slipping away, and I had only 15 minutes left before I had to leave for the airport. Last night's late work session had left me with no time to prepare my bags, and now I was paying the price.

Groaning and muttering curses under my breath, I wrestled with my luggage, attempting to zip it shut. Sweat glistened on my forehead as I struggled to fit everything in. In a desperate attempt to keep track of the items I still needed to bring, I started talking to myself, repeatedly listing them aloud.

From the kitchen, Angelica's voice boomed, accompanied by the clinking of cutlery. "Are you almost done?" she shouted. I could picture her helping herself to the leftovers of my yakisoba from the previous night.

Finally, after much effort, I managed to close my overstuffed bags. Hastily changing into comfortable clothes, I grabbed my Chanel bag and tossed in a few last-minute essentials. Sliding on my sunglasses, I secured them atop my head. With a sense of relief, I called Zane to inform him of my departure.

"I'm going to the airport now," I informed him, the stress still evident in my voice. Juggling my phone and bags, I continued to prepare for the journey.

"Okay," Zane responded, his voice indicating his busyness on the other end of the line. "I'll send a driver to pick you up when you arrive."

"Good," I replied, the relief of his assistance washing over me. With that, I ended the call and made my way outside, dragging my suitcase along with me. The house received one last inspection, ensuring that nothing important was left behind, before Angelica and I finally embarked on our way to the airport.

The drive to the airport was a welcomed respite, offering a brief moment of peace amidst the chaos of my hectic day. As we arrived, my father's private jet awaited us, ready to whisk us away to our destination. Champagne was immediately served and I was so glad for that because I was thirsty.

As the plane took off, exhaustion washed over me, and before I knew it, I had succumbed to sleep. When I finally opened my eyes, we had already arrived in New York. I gathered my belongings and adjusted my outfit. Following Angelica, I stepped off the plane and was greeted by our waiting ride. Without wasting any time, we made our way to my parents' house, where we are going to stay because Angelica's apartment was once again under construction.

During the drive, the sight of familiar buildings and streets evoked a sense of nostalgia. It felt comforting to be surrounded by the sights and sounds of the city I once called home. Arriving at my parents' house, the driver kindly assisted us with our luggage as we made our way inside.

As we entered the house, I immediately heard the sound of my parents engaged in a lively discussion in the kitchen. Upon announcing my arrival, their bickering ceased, and they both turned to look at me. My mom's face lit up, and she hurriedly approached me with open arms.

"You're home, sweetheart! How are you doing?" she exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm embrace. I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"I'm doing alright. What were you guys arguing about?" I inquired, curious about the topic that had caught their attention.

"That you're still too young to have a boyfriend," my dad interjected, his tone teasing yet protective. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, unable to suppress a smile.

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