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Word Count: 1470


Staring up at the ceiling, I smile.

Now this is why I wake so early in the morning. It's the perfect way to start the day.

Stretching my legs out, my hand slides under the covers, tugging my sleep shorts down.

My eyes flutter shut as my fingers rest between my legs, applying pressure exactly where I like it. The feeling jolts through me, excitement chasing it.

I like to take my time in the morning, chasing my release.

Delving deep into my mind, I play through all my usual fantasies. I never have one person in mind, however one figure materialises as I pursue my pleasure.

That man...Tall, built like a killer, and ice cold. I met him just last night and he hates me already.

Something about that intrigues me.

As a Princess, I'm used to those pushing for my favour. This man couldn't care less. I both hate and like that.

Only moments after the thought of him clawed through my mind, euphoric pleasure hits me. It doesn't last as long as I would like, though.

I need to get myself laid one of these days. Properly.

The thought chases me all the way down stairs, outside, and to the training hall, which usually is only used by guards. I'm aware I'm late, but I hardly care, as I stride into the room, seeing my father and an unfamiliar man standing in the centre.

It's him. From last night.

He looks up upon my entry, eyes glacial as they trace over me, before averting back to my father.

I knew he would be attractive. I just knew it.

It's as if he's made up of the shadows I stalked through last night. His eyes are obsidian black, matching his hair exactly, which looks he's carelessly swept his hand through.

And his face. Well, it's not the same rugged handsome my guards usually are. It's a fine, ethereal beauty evident in the striking height of his cheekbones and straightness of his jawline.

He looks like a killer. Deceptive, cruel and vicious.

I'm screwed...

"You're late, Kiva," Father mutters, as I meekly approach. It's nearly impossible to keep my gaze from shifting back to my new guard.

I clear my throat, smoothing my sweaty palms down over my pants. "I had others things to attend to."

"Regardless, this is Ark, your new personal guard," father introduces.

Ark and I exchange blank stares. Neither one of us are going to make my father aware that we have met already.

"Hi," I mutter uncomfortably.

He dips his head in greeting but says nothing.

"Ark wants to monitor your current state to determine where to start with training. I let him know you're a novice, but he wants a reading himself," father explains.

"Fine. Whatever."

"After training, he will be acting as your personal guard, changing out with Jack depending on the hour."

Just by looking at Ark I can tell he's going to be a vigilant. I'm going to have to be creative in how I get around his watchful eye.

"I'll have you know I had an excellent personal guard before you," I tell him, folding my arms.

The Princess's Guard ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα