401 - 410

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401. Fun fact 80% of people meet their future spouses at the age of 16.

402. Most of us suffer from phantom vibration syndrome: it seems that the mobile phone is vibrating, when in fact the device does not make any sound.

403. According to the law of polarity, opposites attract: we are inevitably attracted to people with opposite qualities.

404. The way you dress is related to your mood. Therefore, properly selected clothes in most cases help to feel happier.

405. Researchers have observed that thinking that something bad is going to happen is less stressful to understand than not understanding how it will eventually wind up.

406. Severe depression increases the aging process in cells, thus causing biological aging.

407. You seem to think more about a specific individual than about catastrophic events.

408. You know how to do things that have never been done before. For example, imagine that for the first time in your life you were given an iPad to read to read an e-book. Already in the process of turning on and downloading the book, you will mentally imagine how it will look and how you will need to manage it. This is influenced by your previous experience, some incomplete facts from the past.

409. Oddly enough, education levels affect relationships. If he is equal, then the chances of building a strong family are much higher.

410. The way a person treats the restaurant staff says a lot about his character.

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