❁till death do us apart

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Till death do us apart

At 2:30 in the afternoon, when John lightly pecked Metilda's heated cheeks as they watched the Sword in the Stone with Louis, the door bell rung. Metilda shot up and rushed to the door. She needed an excuse to get away from her John. She couldn't sit next to him without wanting to rip his clothes off.

To her not so much of a pleasant surprise, it was Reed Smith and his daughter, Daniel. Reed Smith was a tall and dark handsome lawyer and his daughter was a gorgeous five year old with long, curly black hair.

It had totally slipped out of Metilda's mind that she had invited Reed Smith for lunch over the weekend. Being the kind person she is, Metilda kind of felt guilty for John threatening him.

"Oh, come in Mr. Smith. I'm so glad that you could make it." She tried putting on her sweetest smiles. The lawyer seemed to be in a daze. Can she get any more beautiful? He thought.

"Louis, look! Your friend from school Daniel is here." Louis didn't budge from the sofa. His eyes were fixed on the TV screen. John, on the other hand, was bubbling with rage. What in the world was he doing here? Here he and his family were enjoying a movie like a happy family should but the lawyer had to come and smear the beautiful scenery.

He walked over to Metilda and stood behind her, his blood about to reach boiling point. "What are you doing here?"

"The lady invited us for lunch."

Metilda smiled at John. "I think Mr. Smith deserves an apology"

John glared at him. "Not on my watch."

"Well, then. You can take your moody self to the living room. Mr. Smith and I will have a nice lunch." Secretly Metilda was enjoying John's displeasure. He looked so very adorable when envious.

Metilda made her way to Louis and dragged him to the hall. "Louis, come on. Say hello to Daniel."

Louis, who like his father, looked displeased to have company, scrunched his nose upwards. "I don't play with Daniel. She makes me always be the servant."

Daniel giggled. "Silly, you're the pauper and I'm the princess."

Metilda ignored her urge to raise an eyebrow. "Be nice. She's our guest."

He made an ugly face. "No thank you. Louis stay with Daddy." Louis gripped his father's hand. John gave Metilda a smug grin that said see, even Louis agrees with me.

Metilda placed a hand on her hips, clearly not pleased with the scene the males in her life were making. "Fine, you two do whatever you please. Mr. Smith would you and your daughter like to have some cheesecake?"

"Louis want cheesecake too!" Louis pouted.

"Ask your daddy." Daniel stuck her tongue at him.

Metilda, a very ecstatic Mr. Smith, and his hyper daughter strolled to the dining room. John swore under his breath as he watched the lawyer purposely brush his hand against Metilda's thigh. If this continues for another second, there surely would be bloodshed.

"Daddy," Louis tugged John's hand. "Cheesecake?"

John sighed. His phone buzzed with a message.

[Are you alright, babe? I heard you fell from the stairs.] - Jannet

Another sigh left John's mouth. He didn't want Jannet's attention.

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