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Chapter 79

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Kelly's glowing red eyes gazed up at the stars thoughtfully as I finished speaking. Travis was also silent as he contemplated everything I told them – which had taken several hours.

The only thing I hadn't told them about was Daniel's inability to see at night. I counted that as his secret, although it made my story-telling difficult since that had been the main reason for some of my decisions.

"That was... quite an adventure you had," Kelly finally said.

I snorted. "That is an understatement."

She smirked at my response. "In fact, I'm not sure I'd be able to locate another sane zombie who had that much happen to them in the last three months."

"I'm amazed you even believed half of what I told you."

"Oh, I was checking your scent in a few spots to make sure you weren't stretching the truth or making it up." She shook her head in amazement and disbelief. "No offense, but I'm glad it wasn't me who went through all that."

I muttered, "I've had enough adventure for one lifetime. It's your turn now."

"The traveling and excitement sound great, but I'll have to pass on that business with guns and getting into life and death fights. Not my style."

"The research that scientist is doing is interesting," Travis murmured, deep in thought, his mind apparently on an entirely different topic.

The sane Runner they met had talked about the three drugs in general, but I knew a lot more details and had been able to answer almost every question they asked.

Kelly once more gazed at the small stars twinkling through gaps in the tree canopy and slowly said, "I don't think I want to be human again."

"That's why I'm still a Nightstalker," I commented quietly. "I really like the extra strength and speed. The quick healing has come in handy more often than I care to admit."

Travis turned his head to watch his sister. "I agree with you, Kelly. I don't want to be human again, although I think things might be easier if I could go near humans without having to run away in fear of losing control."

His comment didn't surprise Kelly. "You're thinking of getting the controlex?"

"It's very tempting, especially after what Trinity was able to confirm. What are your thoughts?"

I waited in silence for her to reply, although I had expected his interest in that particular drug. For some reason, his bloodlust was unusually strong for a Nightstalker, and that sensitivity caused him no end of grief and frustration.

Kelly considered it for some time. "Well, it didn't really have any negative effects. And it removed the bloodlust for Trinity, not to mention it greatly reduced it for the Runners. It'd also be nice to not have to worry about finding food again."

Like most sane Nightstalkers, these two traveled with the bare minimum of supplies and relied on raiding houses that were getting emptier and emptier. Not having to worry about their next meal would be a relief for them. Hunting was easy for a Nightstalker, and it was rare to find an area with no animals.

These two really weren't the farming type, so even though I'd told them about Luke's rabbit shed, it wasn't the sort of thing that interested them.

Travis shrugged as he dismissed the matter. "We have plenty of time to think about it. But I smell quite a few rabbits in the area, and I doubt anyone would miss several of them."

"Help yourself to as many rabbits as you want," I replied dryly. "There's no shortage."

With the amount of land Daniel and I patrolled to protect Ironwind, the local predators often moved out of the zombie-infested area of their own accord or risked becoming a meal if we grew tired of the overgrown rodents whose population flourished with abandon.

The Virus Within: Third Wave (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang